Pearl Whitening Collection AKA La Perle de Chanel


Well-known member
Oh it does
It's w/the Pearl Whitening collex!!! Not out yet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie

Hi girls, I've been lax, saw that new collection at Bergdorfs last week, bought some items and swatched today. I got Perle de Lune eye pencil, Crescendo J/C, Tisse Rhapsodie 4 ombres and the harmonie levres palette.

Sorry for the crappy pictures. Posted here as I didn't see a thread for this collection.
Here are the lipglosses and lipstick that I didn't get.


Well-known member
Does anyone smarter than me know how to get cluelessss8's side-by-side pictures of Crescendo with Turbulent, Ultra Rose and Pink Explosion in here as pics? I did it in another thread but for some reason I'm having trouble getting them into this one.

Never mind - got it finally.


Well-known member
Hi again! Sharing another Joues Contraste.. 250 Crescendo - I think maybe this is for next year...?
Again, very pretty blush!!!

What do you guys think? Will try to compare this to 53 Turbulent, 64 Pink Explosion, 74 Ultra Rose.. (any other comparison you like..?)

I also have JC in 190 Angelique and Le Blush Creme de Chanel 80 Invitation... (I missed out 170 Rose Glacier). Will post Angelique and Invitation later...

I got them from someone possibly selling promo pieces.. I am not sure why they have it now..

Thank you :)


Well-known member
I'll swatch my Tisse rhapsodie tomorrow. I just had a gruesome 3 night shift in a row and I'm so dead tired. Lol. Just woke up to go on a potty break then glanced on mobile. This is my guilty pleasure. Lol.


Well-known member
At least I wasn't the only one confused about this collection

Thanks for this thread!
Well it really does seem like Chanel is releasing new items more frequently than usual
or is that just my imagination? I'm having trouble keeping up too!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Well it really does seem like Chanel is releasing new items more frequently than usual:dunno: or is that just my imagination?  I'm having trouble keeping up too![/COLOR]:haha:
In the last five years chanel and dior have been realising a collection a month .consider that the collecrtions are not available at the same time in every market :ex. Here in Europe reverie collection was lauched in january, and we are having les intemporels just now (but in a single boutique) and won't be having the new rouge coco's until march - while we won't be having thw whitening collection at all. So, here we have our average of a collection per month


Well-known member
I cannot get that quad off my mind
! Calling the store and told it was SO had something to do with it I guess
Very Impatient!!
Hehe! It's like the forbidden fruit quad!! I am definitely antsy for this collection! Everything is calling my name!


Well-known member
I cannot get that quad off my mind
! Calling the store and told it was SO had something to do with it I guess
Very Impatient!!
Bergdorf is sold out? Darn, I got an email from them recently. That's what I get for ignoring it. I should have looked into it right away. They didn't mention this collection though.