Pet Advice


Well-known member
I live in an apartment where they don't allow cats or dogs. Do you think I can get away with having a bunny or a guinea pig? Does anyone have experience with these kinds of pets, and have any advice as to which would be less messy? I heard rabbits can be litter box trained, but I imagine it isn't easy. And do you think I should ask my landlord first, or assume that cause its not a cat or a dog it should be fine (I want a pet sooo badly


Well-known member
Think very carefully before getting a rabbit. They are not as easy as you may think, but are really great pets. Google The House Rabbit Society- they have lots of great and helpful info.


Well-known member
I agree with claresauntie. Small animals are super hard to take care of, especially if you're not home all the time. My bf's roommate has a chinchilla and I swear that her room smells like a frickin' farm. It's all alfalfa-y and you have to take them out to play or else they go bonkers.


Well-known member
Rabbits are prety easy to liter box train but if they are outside of their pin they don't seem to mind peeing wherever they are. Their pee just happens to stain no matter what you treat it with.
They also eat anything and everything in site. They're like little billy goats. This could be a problem with carpet, cabinets ect.
They make great pets and have way more personality than people realize. I don't know if it is the best idea for your situation though.
My brother had two cats in a duplex where he wasn't supposed to have pets for two years.
You have to take into account how often the landlord or manager comes by and if a neighbor might just feel like being a jerk. Apartments are hard.
I know how you feel. I wish my cat could live with me, she has to stay at my Mom's


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I know how you feel. I wish my cat could live with me, she has to stay at my Mom's

My cat is currently at my mom's too, she's babysitting him for me until I move to a place where cats are definitely allowed. Though whether she'll give him back is undetermined.


Well-known member
I would suggest on researching on rabbits before you decide on getting one.
They can be litter trained, but they tend to love to chew on things, which you have to watch out for, especially if you are to let them roam around free. A friend of mine has rabbits (and they are wonderful pets as long as you can care for them properly) that love to chew, and they had to repair their carpet on the floor several times. Also, you have to keep up with cleaning, since they can stink up the place (but then again, which pet doesn't? lol)

It sucks that your landlord doesn't allow cats. I'm a cat person, and they're the most low maintenance pets i've ever had.

Good luck!!!


Well-known member
Talk to the landlord, if say the ad specified no cats or dogs, just talk to the landlord about how strict it really is and if theres some sort of deal you guys can make...


Well-known member
I would personally go with guniea pig although the rabbit sounds cuter... move up slowly to bigger more time consuming animals. I honestly wouldn't even ask... I think you can get away with it =/

Make sure to read your lease and see what the punishment is for "caught pets" and see if you're ok with that.


Well-known member
Yeh I had a cat just fine, but my Landlord saw my pet in the window when I wasn't home. My building allows cats, so it wasn't an issues just had to pay the pet deposit. Some aren't as forgiving.

Personally I dont like mice or hampsters. They smell. I like how with my cat, his litterbox is in it's own little room, so it doesn't smell up the house.


Well-known member
Awwwww <<<<<galleygirl>>>>>> lots of hugs. I know how you feel. I would love a kitten but it is not allowed. I had a guinea pig for years and they have tons of personality. They will also nibble on your ears a bit (mine did at least). Good luck and let us all know!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
You MUST talk to the landlord. It's incredibly unfair to the animal if you sneak it in and it turns out that it isn't allowed.

I would go socialize with the animals you're thinking about. Believe it or not, shelters do have them. I know rabbits can be tricky and if guinea pigs are anything like hamsters, you have to be very careful about them escaping (my hamsters were magicians at that.)

If you cannot get a pet, please consider volunteering at the local shelter. Sometimes, all they need is someone to socialize the animals, particular if it was feral.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
Awwwww <<<<<galleygirl>>>>>> lots of hugs. I know how you feel. I would love a kitten but it is not allowed. I had a guinea pig for years and they have tons of personality. They will also nibble on your ears a bit (mine did at least). Good luck and let us all know!

Thanks, I will! I figure I'll ask, the worst he can do is say no, and my lease is up in June anyway, so I can look forward to having one by then! There is a bunny & guinea pig rescue close to where I live, so I will check them out when the time is right.
Thanks for your advice everyone.


Well-known member
I had 4 guinea pigs, 2 reciently died

I love them. they dont escape like hampsters or mice. They have quite the personalitys, and are cute to watch roam around your living room hippy hoppity doing their little jumping acts. haha. you just have to give them fresh leafy greens daily along with their food pellet things and occasionally some alfalfa. although ,. alfalfa is like guinea pig junk food. They love the stuff. but should only have it on occasion. (i could go on forever and ever i did a ton of research on guins before I got them)

I would deff. talk to your landlord first. so that you wont have to find a way to get rid of them if your landlord finds them and freaks out.

Rabbits are a little more difficult to take care of, they need A LOT more room than a guinea pig, and they tend to eat and poop more as well they are so very adorable however !

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If you do talk to your landlord and it's okayed, get it in writing so in case something happens (like your landlord changing his mind), you have something to back it up.


Well-known member
i live in an apartment and actually have 2 guinea pigs and a rabbit. we have a pretty big cage that they all live in together in our living room and it seems to work out fine for us. you definitely should bring it to your landlord's attention before going out and buying the pets and their stuff because it can be a lot of trouble finding new homes and things for them if your landlord doesn't approve.

i agree with everyone on doing your research on rabbits because i got my first rabbit this past november for my birthday and i was in for a huge surprise. the cage we keep her in has fairly high walls but an open top.. she's found a way to jump out so we ended up having to zip tie a sheet above the cage so she wouldn't get out while we were gone and chew wires around the apt. they do a lot of chewing, scratching/digging (on your chest if you're holding them, your clothes, carpet), and they need to be let out, as often as possible and under your supervision, for floor time as they need to run around and get their exercise. she's adorable and has a lot of personality (tho IMO, any pet does, if you give it a chance), but can definitely be a brat and be very frustrating. but she doesn't give off any odor/bad smells.. she actually smells really good and "fresh."

and guinea pigs.. they can smell if you don't keep up with cleaning their cage, but are great pets. they don't require a WHOLE lot.. just food, water, occasional treats, and love. they're social animals so they prefer having a companion rather than being alone (make sure they get along).. and they're really vocal, unlike rabbits, so you'll always know when your pigs want attention.

i'd say the cleaner of the two are rabbits. you can also litter train guinea pigs but so far mine will only pee in the litter. their little poops are everywhere else as far as that goes.

either are great pets but pleeeease, i BEG you, don't rush into getting a pet. too many times people do this and realize they aren't ready/able to care for them, so they end up in shelters where they aren't always guaranteed a second chance for a happy home.

good luck!


Well-known member
yea i wouldnt get the rabbit if i were you and didnt want your landlord to know that you have a pet. rabbits WILL destroy anything they can reach. they will pull out the carpet, chew the walls, furniture, cabinets, ANYTHING they can get their little furry paws on! guinea p\igs arent hard to take care of, in fact they are real skittish, but its probably not what your looking for. maybe you could try a parakeet or something that wont do any damage, but will still enjoy your company!


Well-known member
So I talked to my landlord and its a no-go :-( He was like, "Well, you can have a gold fish." Sigh....I guess this will motivate me to save some money so I can move in a few months. arrggghhhhhhh


Well-known member
I totally second the suggestion of a parakeet. They are the sweetest little things.
When I was having a hard time trasitioning into "no furries" after breeding chinchillas I went to a local breeder & aviary to buy a little feathered companion. I've had a blue crown conure for 14 years, and I've always loved birds so since I didn't want to go in the small and furry direction I thought of a small bird. I choose a handfed parakeet, partly because I wanted to support a breeder who would take the time to handfeed a parakeet. Mainly because I really wanted a bird who would sing, it fills my home and heart with the positivity when I hear my little guy squeaking, kissing, and whistling at me when I walk around downstairs.
(it's a pleasent aside to the general sqauwking of beavis, the conure) Don't know if that's an option though after you spoke with your landlord.