Pics added! My MAC haul -- and other little bits and pieces!


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

So I don't usually do hauls, or make hauls, or anything. However last week I splurged. I'm a MAC newbie as I once stated - and still a MAC newbie! However I did some big hauling, in my opinion.


Swiss Chocolate
Satin Taupe
Surf USA
Sun Blonde
Swell Baby
Short Shorts


Pink Swoon
Fleur Power
Well Dressed

Empty 4 pan palette for my 2 pan shadows that I already have

** I'm sorry the photos aren't great - the weather here is awful and I have no natural lighting at all and I don't have natural lighting bulbs yet! :(

Non- MAC:

Bourjois - Bronzing Powder - the one shaped like chocolate in 51
ELF - Gotta Glow blush
ELF - Contouring Blush & Bronzer Duo
ELF - Eye Transformer
ELF - Liquid Eyeliner
ELF - Gel Eyeliner
ELF - Blotting Sheets
ELF - a bunch of other stuff I can't think of at the moment, lol

Also, Glamour magazine was giving away 3 samples of Benefit products, a brand I haven't tried (I know, right?) so I figured I'd get all three as it was only £2 each - means I have 3 copies of the magazine, but hey, oh well.


Benefit samples:

High Beam
Bene tint
Posie tint

I also made a nail polish haul, just a mini one, but it was buy 2 get 1 free, so I had to get it, lol.

China Glaze:

Senorita Bonita
108 Degrees
Blue Iguana
White on White
Turned Up Turquoise
Purple Panic

and I *think* that's it. I'm debating getting Saffron eyeshadow from MAC - can't decide if I want it or not, I suppose it wouldn't hurt a growing collection, I don't have anything like it but I also don't know what I would use it for.. so we'll see. They should still have it on the website, almost positive they do!

Let me know what you ladies think! :)


Well-known member
That's one awesome haul! Btw I followed your blog, hope you don't mind. :). You can check mine out as well, I'm holding a pretty sweet giveaway too.


Well-known member
BeckyBenett -- I'll get to taking photos soon! I have just made *another* haul, whoops! So I'll wait until those products arrive and take photos of everything together!

naturallyfab -- Thank you, I will!

heart -- Thank you! I'm quite proud of it myself! I saw, thank you so much! I absolutely don't mind, I've also followed yours too! Your giveaway is gorgeous, I may definitely have to enter - I NEED Hibiscus in my life! Haha! :)