Pigments you didn't need to buy cuz a similar e/s was enough?


Well-known member
Are there any pigments that you use as eyeshadow that you shouldn't have purchased because an eyeshadow would have worked just as well and been cheaper?

For me, the teal pigment looks a lot like Tease n'Teal from the holiday palette...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KJam
There is no pigment I won't buy - I'm pathetic like that!

Second that! I can't stop myself with the pigments.


Well-known member
I am the same way! I would always go with the Pigment over a similar eyeshadow because the pigmentation is always nicer with the Pigment. I am a shameless collecter of Pigments and refuse to swap the ones away that don't work for me (Kitchsmas... arrgh).

And even though Tease n Teal looks like Teal Pigment. The Teal Pigment is still richer in its color.


Well-known member
I actually don't use pigments as eyeshadows too much. I've started to use them to create eyeliners & mascara. God bless Mixing Medium

However I won't buy a color that just doesn't work on me in the first place.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PhonyBaloney500
For me, the teal pigment looks a lot like Tease n'Teal from the holiday palette...

ITA, I have both and they look pretty much the same on me. Although like someone else said, the pig. is a bit richer finish, I guess since it's more buildable in color and has a nicer texture. But color wise, it's very very close.


Well-known member
I'm the opposite of you. I'd rather buy the pigment than the eyeshadow. The pigments just blend so easy for me and I love strong color.


Well-known member
I prefer the pigments over the shadows, just because the price vs. amount is so much better with pigments, and the color payoff is so great.


Well-known member
I would totally buy a pigment over an e/s even if the color's were the same. I am more willing to pay about $5 more for something that will last me years, than spend 13 on something that doesn't last as long.
It takes me months to even put a dent in most of my pigments.


Active member
Naked was a worthless buy because I prefer Naked Lunch e/s. On the other hand, Stars N' Rockets e/s was worthless because Pink Pearl pigment looks almost identical and is easier to apply.


Well-known member
Argh, I have Golden Olive, and while it's a nice color, it's kind of boring...I don't have an eyeshadow in a similar color, but I've seen half a dozen of them out there, and probably for a cheaper price than $18.50!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KJam
There is no pigment I won't buy - I'm pathetic like that!

word(I allready set out an order for lingerie's piggies today, it's coming out monday)

I do HATE some of them, like frost, my first piggie, that stuff just JUMPS off my eyes onto my cheeks, and rose pigment just wont stay put!!!! o well


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LivinginPink
Club e/s looks like blue brown pig


but i love club and blue brown hahaha


Well-known member
I'd choose a pigment over an eye shadow usually. Pigments are better value...

Most pigments are 7.5g for $19.50/£15, which is $2.60/£2 per gram
Eye shadows vary in weight depending on formulation but are around 1.5g for $12.50/£9 or thereabouts which is $8.33/£6 per gram


New member
Kelly Green is like Urban Decay's Vert.
I had them both and took back Vert.
Actually I wish I had returned the Kelly Green because I hate the texture of it.

Like the others I am a pigment whore so I tend to keep the pigments and return any shadows that look like them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
Kelly Green is like Urban Decay's Vert.
I had them both and took back Vert.
Actually I wish I had returned the Kelly Green because I hate the texture of it.

Like the others I am a pigment whore so I tend to keep the pigments and return any shadows that look like them.

I love Vert, I just have a sample of kelly green, but I prefer using the vert because kelly green isn't eye safe. Both great though.