Please be gentle, it's my first time


Active member

So, yeah. Uh. I guess I should write something about myself. Okay.
My name is Ann, and I'm 19 years old. I've been interested in makeup since I was 8, so I joined this board since I was becoming tired of just being a lurker. Besides, the town I moved to actually has a store that sells MAC! So now I want to know more.
I have a petsnake (he's a cornsnake, fyi), a cat, and 2 roommates who can't figure out how to clean the dishes - they sort of counts as pets too, as I have to take care of them. They're like kittens who haven't learned how to lick their own butts yet.
I also have a wonderful boyfriend.
I enjoy short walks to the fridge, staying up all night, and reading until I'm crosseyed.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Haha! I see you have a sense of humor. You will fit in well here:) You will find there's tons of info and lots of people to help you with all types of questions.

I can totally relate to your last sentence and I'm 30 yrs older than you. My daughter who is 22 is the same way.


Well-known member
Hi Ann, welcome to the site. I know what you mean with room mates that cannot clean dishes, you have my sympathies :)