Plushglass pics


Well-known member
I know there was thread about this few weeks ago. I can't find the link at the moment but if you go and search on ebay, there are few sellers with pic. If I come up with anything that is on specktra I will let you know. I read from somewhere that ebay links are not allowed here so those ones I can't post here.


Well-known member
.. I was able to find quite a few pictures... well looking for them .. heres a few of them I really hope its ok to post them up here.. I couldnt really read the lanuage so hope its ok. .. I'm pretty sure some of them are ebay pictures
again mods if its not ok please tel me and I'll take them down


Well-known member
I saw them at my mac store-the MA was very sweet and showed me.

Not really that impressive if you ask me.


Well-known member
I said the exact samething when I first saw the pics of white one. I know many people are looking for dc'ed lustre white lg and I was wondering if it can sorta replace it?? It really looks identical to lustrewhite...


Well-known member
what is the difference between the plushglass, lustreglass, and lipglass?? imo, the lustreglass and lipglass are identical except for the brush. ???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
what is the difference between the plushglass, lustreglass, and lipglass?? imo, the lustreglass and lipglass are identical except for the brush. ???

no clue with lustreglass or lipglass

but the plushglass is a lip plumper
with different colors .. so it could be worn on its own over or under lipstick or lipglass.


hmm plushglass hey???..

Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
what is the difference between the plushglass, lustreglass, and lipglass?? imo, the lustreglass and lipglass are identical except for the brush. ???

I'm not really sure what the difference is either, besides lip plumping, but does it even work that much. I'm not really a fan of these..I would prefer my lustreglass any day!:confused:


Well-known member
Hmm, the one i'm really interested in seeing is the lilac colour. I don't have anything like a lilac, so I'm looking forward to that.
Does anyone know of any lilac lipglasses?


Well-known member
I am not excited for these things. I tried it on and it burned. I dont use Lip Venom or anything like that but after i tried it on I waited 5 minutes and then jus took it off.

MAC Beau

Originally Posted by blueglitter
that white one looks exactly the same as the lustre-white lustreglass

The white one, which is called Cushy White does not have the sparkle of Lustre White, but has the creaminess of C-Thru. Don't sleep on these glosses you guys, they are HOT! The colors and finishes are dazzling. Everyone lips at training lookes super plumped. The warming sensation wears of in minutes, no worries.


Well-known member
Am i the only one who feels lipglass and lustreglass are different?
Lipglass are much thicker and pigmented than lustreglass. Lustreglass gives a more plasticky-looking, less tacky and less pigmented.


Well-known member
IMO, they are waay different. I agree with everything you said and prefer lustreglasses cos they look better on me as lipglasses tend to obscure my natural lip colour totally and make me look weird.

Lustreglasses allow my natural lip colour to be seen so it seems more natural somehow.