Pointless rant: Roommates make me stabby!!!


Well-known member
I love that word 'stabby' LOL. Got it from the Cafe board on MUA. Just wanted to get that off my chest! Throw in your pointless rants!!


Well-known member
Roomates for me ALWAYS had some sort of problems...
My first roomates were 2 guys in college and they were cool as hell, but they were also the biggest SLOBS ever
My second roomate thought that it was ok for her brother to move in (who just got out of jail) without my premission, thought it was alright to use all my stuff, eat all my food and have her boyfriend over EVERY night, oh and she didnt always pay rent. My mom took it upon herself to move me out without my roomate knowing and we contacted teh land lord to let them know of the situation.
My last roomate Was cool, nice guy. He had to move out I said that was fine well come to find out that the money I had given him a couple weeks before to pay the electricity had never made it to the elec company... yeah it wasnt cool to come home to no elect and wonder WTF...

Now I live with my fiancee and its great though now im the "slob" and he gets pissy with me lol


Well-known member
I know I'm not the best person to live with, so I will always likely have problems with living with a roommate. But things were ok until the last month. I don't understand how she gets dressed in the morning!! Just one stupid teeny example of how clueless she is:

One morning, I went in the spare room and turned on the iron. Come back a while later and tried to iron, but the water is leaking out everywhere. She's standing there the whole time getting ready (she can see me in the room behind her in the mirror - I'm talking like 2 feet away). She KNOWS I'm ironing because I asked if I could move her coffee off the ironing board so I could IRON! I'm trying to iron for like a minute, but it's not working. I ask her if she knows if anything's up with the iron. She's like 'duh, it's not on!". I said that's odd because I had turned it on. She's like "Oh, were you trying to iron? I thought I left it on so I turned it off". WTF??? Did you not notice me trying to iron behind you for the last 2 minutes??

Anyhoo, stupid example. But when she moved in in Sept., she signed an 8-month lease (so end of april). Since she was my roommate and not just tenant, the Tenant Protection Act doesn't apply, but you're supposed to give notice of leaving even with a lease. She asked me in December about possibly staying until June because she was trying to get a clinical placement in town. I said that would be fine, just let me know around March or so. She got the placement, so I assumed all was well. She gave me a rent cheque for April, but then ASKED FOR A REFUND because it was her last month?? I said she hadn't given me any notice, and she said she thought it was clear from our talk... SHE is the one who approached ME about staying past the lease. I could've been a big bitch and said no, I'm not refunding you the money, too bad. But I didn't, and not once did she say sorry or thank you. She pretty much said she needed the cash to pay bills and she hadn't decided if she was staying or not. Uh no, I don't think so, I'm not your banker...

Just now she asks if she can stay an extra week. I say fine, for $100 (rent's $425). She was like "oh, I just assumed it would be ok since I moved in a week late" (which she didn't, incidentally - I let her move her stuff in EARLY). Now I'm a big biatch because I'm not letting her stay for FREE? Which she felt she was entitled to?? Normally, I would say no problem. Since I don't have anyone moving yet anyway (since I wasn't given enough NOTICE :p ). But after how this all went down, I don't think so.

Gah! RANT OVER. LOL. I just wrote a novel. I don't expect anyone to read this. Just getting this off my damn chest! I'm really not usually this bitchy or mean, but like I said in the title....she makes me stabby! LMAO. If you read this entire thing, thank you for listening :p


Well-known member
The thing with the iron made me lol literally... Trust me I know how you feel... I know im not THE BEST roomate but jezus I dont think im an idiot and Ive never lived off of anyone for free...

Good luck finding a better roomate though!


Well-known member
LMAO thank you! You totally made me feel better =) Hope your roomie days are permanently behind you :p


Active member
Lol those are nice roomates compared to mine...

I was friends with this girl since grade 5. We moved in together right after graduation and I was so excited. It was our first place and so far it was alot of fun. I put my tv, dvd, couches, movies, etc all in the living room for people to use. I told her that scertain dishes I didn't want her to use with out my permission because they were all gifts. I also said if she wanted to have friends over I would perfer for her to ask before, since it was all my stuff. I came home after a long yuck day at work and she had the living room full of people, using all my stuff plus the dishes I told her not to. I got so mad at her... that's when it went down hill.

I found a skirt, tooth brush, make up, hat, underwear, of mine in her room that were all mine. She was at work at the time so I took them all back and put them away. I was going to confront her that night. Well I went out and while I was gone she took it all back. I then confronted her about it asking her why she took all my stuff and she lied to me saying that it was all her friends and she was coming to get it tomorrow. I was like that's bull. So I take it all back and the next day it was gone. So my boyfriend got freakin mad and we went through her room and found that she stashed it in her instrument case... we also found tons of panties, bras, make up, cds, movies, cd player, etc all in her room that were MINE!

Needless to say she was wearing my undies and i was pissed, it just totally grossed me out. I moved out and didn't pay the months rent.


Well-known member
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww.....that's so nasty!! Good thing you moved out - yikes! Yeah, that's a reason I won't live with friends. I don't want to ruin friendships :p Plus, I need ME time at home. That's absolutely disgusting though. I think the worst I heard of was when I was watching some hidden camera show, and one guy kept taking his roomie's toothbrush and scrubbing the toilet with it. And PUTTING IT BACK. *barfs*


Active member
^ oh that's so gross!!!!

Ya my mother inlaw gave me a gift card for La Senza for new undies hehe. I know I shouldn't have moved in with a friend.. but you'd think you would be able to trust them! Gosh. I haven't spoken to her in four years. I got married, she had a baby... ya we've missed out on a lot of stuff.


Well-known member
I love our past (and soon to be again) roomate/best friend. <3

I pretty much begged him to move into our new house with us when his lease ends. (it's for alot of reasons, but mainly 'cause I lub him)


Well-known member
I've never had an actual roommate aside from my boyfriend because I don't really work and play well with others.
However, a couple of years ago I had to put a friend up in my apartment because she had her foot operated on and my building was the only one of the places where her friends lived that had an elevator, since she couldn't use the stairs on crutches.

First of all, it was a studio apartment, so I let her sleep in my bed and I slept on an inflatable mattress (or a "floaty bed" as I liked to call it). She was there for three weeks, and by the end of the first week, her shit was EVERYWHERE. I had to put everything I needed (computer books, phone, etc.) on the floaty bed just so that I could find it in the crap. It was more than clutter, it was FILTH. When she finally left, I had to have a friend come over to help me clean up, and we found even nastier things than we initially anticipated, like used tissues and bandages (complete with blood!) stuffed in between the cushions of my love seat and bottle caps under her pillow. We had to wear rubber gloves and it took about five hours to get it back in order.

This experience even further confirmed that I couldn't tolerate a roommate.


Well-known member
One of my roommates the Village (more like apartments than dorms, each unit had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen) was just wretched. She had it out for me at the beginning. My boyfriend was having some trouble, and he was trying to get a job, but at the time, he didn't have anywhere to live. So he slept at the Village. But he left when I did, so it wasn't like he was always hanging around. He was out looking for jobs or visiting friends.

I know he wasn't supposed to live there, but she went straight to the RA instead of talking to me about it first. Have a problem with me? At least try talking to me. That's where it turned adversarial.

Eventually, it got to the point where I was never really there, I just went to pick up my stuff. I would have rather lived with my dad and commuted to work than live with that crazy bitch. At some point after that, she STILL accused him of living there. Then she bitched about crumbs we left, but since we were never there, how could we be cooking and eating there? And she was the one who left half-eaten food uncovered/unwrapped in the fridge.

I moved out after the first semester, risking having to pay a lease termination $1000 fee...they didn't charge me for it, though
and I had an extra $2500 since I didn't have to pay to live there.

I thought about ratting her out for having a pet, but it really wasn't worth the trouble.


Well-known member
you think the iron thing was bad? my roomate turned off the oven... when I was cooking a chicken!!!! *facedesk* I was downstairs in my room and had left it to cook, I came back up and the chicken is cold, the ovens off and she was eating my chips! my roomates are kinda dumb


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alysia
you think the iron thing was bad? my roomate turned off the oven... when I was cooking a chicken!!!! *facedesk* I was downstairs in my room and had left it to cook, I came back up and the chicken is cold, the ovens off and she was eating my chips! my roomates are kinda dumb

LMAO!!! OK, I was starting to think the common denominator was ME, but I keep hearing horror stories like the ones here. Yikes!

I also remember having a roommate a few years ago who was very passive-aggressive and once wrote a THREE-PAGE LETTER to my other roomie for leaving 2 Cheerios on the counter. I kid you not. She was OCD like that, although not so much when it came to having her 2 cats use the litter box in the kitchen and immediately walk all over the counters *barf*


Well-known member
litterboxes = death. My roomies picked up a stray kitten (even though my other roomie & I are super allergic, plus I hate cats, plus both our mothers can't come into the house (deathly allergic)) and don't clean out the litterbox (which is right outside my room) unless I ask them too. RAR.


Well-known member
i had a roomie that would come and barge into our conversation (me and my then boyfriend). she would talk about everything from the trash to her ex to school stuff. umm scuse me but did you see that we're talking with each other?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by inheritedhornet
i had a roomie that would come and barge into our conversation (me and my then boyfriend). she would talk about everything from the trash to her ex to school stuff. umm scuse me but did you see that we're talking with each other?

OMG, lol. My roomie (the same one) came down once when my boyfriend and I were very obviously having a serious talk. She sits down in front of us and is like "oh, are you guys fighting?". My SO says yes and walks away. She's like "so anyway, can you proofread my paper"??? Um.... social signals anyone? Anyone? Bueller....???

Lucy In The Sky...

Well-known member
oh my gosh one of my roommates is totally gross!

Story one: Me and the roomie I get along with clean our apartment every weekend. I clean the kitchen and she cleans the bathroom and we both pick up in the living room (we like it clean cause then it smells pretty, and no one wants a stinky dorm!) Well, I'm in the kitchen cleaning (rocking out to Cher, cause we love her). And I get near the rice cooker, so I move it so that way I don't have to clean around it. As soon as I moved it, I gagged...like a real I'm about to throw up kind of gag! So I lift open the lid and theres nothing there, so I lift up the OTHER lid....and what do I find? I find something that looks like GI Joe had exploded inside of it
. Rice is suppose to be white, and this rice had turned a greyish/brown with green fuzzies, black fuzzies and brown fuzzies. I was like ewwwwwww, that's freaking disguuuuuuusting! Not only that, but this chick had left food in the sink....for about a week. So when I moved the dishes to put em in the dishwater, I again wanted to throw up because the smell was something awful. (we even took pictures of it to show the R.A. how gross it was)

Story 2: Me and the cool roomie always do the chores cause the other one is way lazy. This includes trash detail. So we go to the bathroom to empty out the trash.....and gross. This girl DOESN'T flush her toiletpaper!!!! She uses it and throws it away!
Not only that, she can use a whole roll in about three days and she stays in the bathroom for a good hour to hour and a half!! It's disgusting having to take out THAT trash, which is why we took it out of the bathroom. So now she's forced to flush it (thank you!)

Story 3: She brought roaches from her house to our dorm. That's just sick...really really sick. Especially when your roommate finds them in the kitchen cabinet running through all of our dishes, in the bathrooms and in her room . (Let's just say that with the dishes, lots of bleach was used and we had a bug bomb day).

She's all kinds of gross-ness. But we had a room mediation which only made things way awkward. Although I must say, we did get even with her many times....pranks aren't usually good, but desperate times call for desperate measures (and I did feel bad after pulling those pranks on her!).

Jeez, that was a long post, but I feel so much better now