POLL: Favorite MAC Eye Shadow Base?


Well-known member
Let's discuss what our favorite e/s bases are!

I started out using Paint (I have Base Light, Mauvism, and Chartru)... I love paints...

then I thought that a Cream Colored Base would be easier because of the packaging-- I bought Shell. I *rarely* use this. It creases way too easily....

Then on a friends suggestion I tried Beige-ing Shadestick- This is my HG base! I have since bought corn, and gotten the minis set from 2006.

I still use paint probably once a week but I am a shadestick convert!

I've also read all about Urban Decay's PP, which I want to try, but sephora is ALWAYS sold out when I go in there!

What is your favorite e/s base?????


Well-known member
Tan Ray paint with studio finish concealer on top, or Tan Ray paint with pearl CCB on top. This way, colors never crease and always stay put! But damn it...Tan Ray is DC! I bought 6!


Well-known member
i started out using paint. but over time i have noticed that it doesnt really catch the colors of the eyeshadows that well. but it doesnt make my eyeshadows crease so its pretty nice. But i changed to ccb and it works really well because it makes the colors way more real and vivid. and pigments and the shadows stay on better because the ccb is more creamier.


Well-known member
I use paints on a daily basis... when I am using an e/s that tends to have lots of fallout or piggies then I use paint + s/s and it sticks really well. =)

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
I have been using the LUNA cream coloured base. Thats what the lady at MAC suggested and it works ok, makes my makeup look really bright but not last all day.


Well-known member
I absolutely love my beige-ing shadestick for an eyeshadow base. My eyeshadows and pigments stay on all day without creasing, and what I put overtop my shadestick stays true to its colour (it doesn't make it go lighter or look "dull")


Well-known member
I always use paints as a first base - I have all the various colours (pink, purple, green, etc) and a huge selection of neutral ones (Bare Canvas and Stillife are my favourites). They make my e/s stay on forever. Sometimes I use a fluidline or shadestick above the paint if I want to bring out a certain e/s colour even more, but never without a paint underneath


Well-known member
I love using shadesticks as bases (Beige-ing, Penny) ... my eyeshadow looks brighter and lasts all day without creasing.

I have been tempted to use the CCB though...


Well-known member
Beige-ing shadestick, it never lets me down!

I used to always use Bare Canvas paint, but found that my eyeshadow faded throughout the day and just didn't look as vibrant going on. (I thought it was great until trying a shadestick) After converting to shadesticks, the color stays true & vibrant and looks the same at night as it did when I first put it on in the morning.

I also have UDPP, but find that it's similar to Bare Canvas paint... and does fade throughout the day.


Well-known member
I started out with paints, and when I finally tried shadesticks I LOVED them and Beige-ing was my HG for a while, too. However, for whatever reason the skin on my eyelids started to pull more (either due to getting older or the massive increase in eye makeup use in the past year) and it became more difficult to apply them after a while.
From there I tried UDPP, and while it does tend to pick up shadow a little better initially, I find that once dry it feels a bit heavier on my eyes than paint, and you can actually SEE the texture of it under the shadow.
So, now I'm back to paints. Occasionally I have some problems with fading with Bare Canvas, but not enough to really bother me. I get much better results using a base that is similar in color to my shadow - for example, I did the Polar Bear Plunge last Saturday and wore Mauvism, with Stars & Rockets and Lovely Lily over top - my eye makeup perfectly survived the plunge and some of the girls I was with even seem to think it enhanced it!
I know that's not the most direct answer, but I think it's a little different for everyone.


Active member
i use UDPP or Artdeco. With this stuff my e/s doesn't crease till late evening.

when I use a shadestick (beige-ing) or a paint ab a base I still have a problem with creasing after 6 - 8 hours. and i had problems to blend the s/s properly.
I also tried Prep & Prime which was very disappointing. Creasing after 4 hours.



Well-known member
I don't use an eyeshadow base but I really want one and I'm stick choosing between UDPP or a shadestick


Well-known member
I use UDPP, but after I finished my first tube, I bought a shadestick to see how well it would work. I didn't like how the shadestick was tugging on my lid during application, and it only managed to stay crease-free for a few hours. Maybe I'll try paints after I finish my second tube of UDPP.


Well-known member
I voted for Shadesticks but still love paints. I just reach for them way less often. I also use Glittercreme (d/c) to get a glittery base, really hot. Posted a FOTD today using the glittercreme as a base if anyone wants to see what it looks like.


Well-known member
Bare Canvas paint!! Everything blends like magic when I use it. I thought shadesticks were a little too sticky (for lack of a better word) and too hard to apply.