Pores & Eye Cream Please help!

I have large pores, I have used stuff from clinique the pore cream whatever you call it, I liked it but I was pondering trying a drug store brand. What do you ladies recommend? Also I need a really good eye cream for dark circles, I heard avon or mark made a pretty good one any thoughts? Is there any products worth the convenience?



Well-known member
I've never seen an eye creme remove dark circles, although there are ones like Olay Definity and L'oreal (in the silvery tube) that have optical "diffusers', and make the circles appear faded. Eye creme will not prevent wrinkles, either, it will just moisturize the skin. Some people swear by vitamin K cremes, or copper, neither has been completely clinically proven to lighten dark circles. Dark circles are generally hereditary, although some disorders of the liver and kidneys can cause dark circles around the eyes as well.
I like to mix concealor with prep H gel-it conceals circles and deals with puffiness .


New member
Hope I'm not too late replying! I'm new btw so hi anyone who's reading

Open pores are genetic so you can't get rid of them but you can help them look better by keeping you're skin healthy. Cleanse properly at night, rinse your face with hot water in the morning. Microdermabrasion and chemical peels apparently help, I just got microderm yesterday and my pores are still noticeable but you have to keep getting the microderm.

And about dark circles, the best way I have found to help them is to get yourself into a good sleep rythm (not going to bed late, getting enough sleep, not oversleeping) and taking iron supplements. The iron supplements I found have really helped me.

Hope that helps!