Portraiture & Naturalism Paints discontinued?


Well-known member
Two of the new paint shades, Portraiture & Naturalism, are available on the Canadian MAC site. They're listed as LE, but aren't they coming out in like a month with the new VPs and so on?


Well-known member
I thought portraiture and naturalism were two existing shades that are being d/c? I didn't think they were part of the new paints collection.


Well-known member
I just looked around for some more information. There are 6 new paint shades. The names are:

Structural Brown, Sublime Nature, Chiaroscuro, Architecture, Base Light, Deep Shadow

As far as I know portraiture and naturalism are being d/c.


Well-known member
Duh me, just shows what I know, huh? XD How can we tell I don't use paints? I just remembered the new paint shades being all neutrals and jumped the gun a bit. Ah well. My apologies, ladies.


Well-known member
I wouldn't take my word as gospel. I could still be proven wrong. It's not uncommon!