pray for kaleb!


Well-known member
this was a bulletin a recieved earlier today while on myspace..very tragic.. how could a person do that to another human being?!

Ok, I am a member of a website for mothers called CAFEMOM. One of mommy friends on their has had a horrible tradgedy hit her family and worst of all her 6 month old little boy Kaleb. I am just hearing about this incident since I am not on CafeMom much and my heart has been broken into a thousand pieces. Kaleb was actually born on my husband's birthday and is a BEAUTIFUL little boy. He and his family are from tampa,FL. Kaleb was being watched by a sitter when she PURPOSELY shook him with intent to kill!!!! Still everytime that I say or type those words my heart just breaks and my blood pressure rises so high I think I could kill! Kaleb is still in ICU and probably will be for a long time..he is blind..and now has contracted bacterial meningitis which is the worst strain you can get. These are just a few of his obstacles among many more he is facing. This baby did NOT deserve this. His family DID NOT deserve this. I can not imagine what they are feeling and going through. The woman who shook him was allowed out of jail on a 5,000 dollar bond!!!!! Are you freaking kidding me?! To me this is just another example of how SCREWED up our judicial system really is... Anyways, Kristy Reynolds is the mother's name and from talking with her in emails she has given me permission to post Kaleb's story and her myspace link for all of us to go to and continually pray for this little boy and his family. God does heal and GOD CAN perform miracles. Kaleb is constantly on my mind and everytime I look at Eli I can not imagine anyone hurting him much less WANTING too!! Please let Kristy, Kaleb and her family know that we are here and Kaleb is being lifted up!! Also, I am working on getting the info for the district attorney's office in Tampa, FL. I plan on writing letterS and yes, I mean LETTERS. Lots of them until this woman who did this is served what she deserves..even though she will never truly understand what she has done to this family and this sweet baby boy! If anyone is intrested in helping me please email or message me and I will get you the info as well! Thank you! and below is Kristy's myspace is a public page and you can view pics and blogs of Kaleb daily. BE PREPARED is graphic and disturbing, but very truthful and reality!


MAC is love

Well-known member
omg, i just saw the pictures =( this stuff breaks my heart..i hope that lady goes to jail for a VERY long time.


Well-known member
That is the most horrific thing I have ever seen and heard. I hope that that babysitter gets what is coming for her.