Pro Product Pure White Paint Stick - is it DC'd? Any similar products???


Hi ladies and gents! Due to lack of money this year to go all out in costume for Halloween, a group of friends and I have decided to do zombie and/or undead makeup and hit up a movie.

I found a youtube video based on an old MAC Face Chart that was listed years ago for Halloween called 'Zombie Chic.' After some searching, I found the original face chart online, however in the video on youtube to white out the face, the young lady used a Pure White MAC Paint Stick all over the face to give it that pale look. The face chart lists nothing to white out the face however, lists Luna CCB for whiting out the lips. I have found the CCB's to be pretty greasy, which would not work at all for an all over coat on the face. And I cannot truly rock the look with my normal olivy skintone.

So my question is, can anybody recommend a comparable product (to this paint stick) that will give me a similar pale look on the face, without so much stickiness, and that would last a few hours?

Any help would be appreciated, as I am DYING to try out this look!

Thanks so much in advance!

<3 Andie


Active member
Check out the NYX Jumbo pencil in Milk (white) its sold online, at beauty supply stores and at Ulta. very cheap also about $4.00


Oh, fantastic! Thank you so much. I can go ahead and swing by Ulta this weekend. I really appreciate the feedback, as I was at a total loss on this one!


Active member
you are very welcome!


Well-known member
you can also try the pure white acrylic paint, pure white chromacake, or pure white airbrush makeup from mac pro. i'm using these to do a day of the dead sugar skull.


Whoops! Sorry about that. I totally missed the note under the Chopping Block forum.

I keep hearing about this new acrylic. Has it been released yet? I used to be able to go to the MAC Pro site - but last time I went there, I can't seem to access the pro only products.
Also, how do the chromacake's work? I've never seen/used them. Is it like a creme that dries similar to a foundation???? I can always hit up the Pro store here in South Beach.