Purdy's first day and night


Well-known member
Hi, I probably drive you all nuts, but I'm sooo in love with my kitten! She is so sweet. We drove to Belgium to pick her up and we had to drive 2,45 hours back to Apeldoorn. So, we put kitty in her basket and her mommy came looking at her in the basket (to say goodbye?). Then we put her in the car and we had put something in the basket for accidents (if she had to pee) but she was so sweet, she did NOTHING! And I petted her and then she rolled herself up into a little ball and started to sleep. When we got home, we first showed her her litter box and then let her into the living room. She started running around and exploring things and after 3 hours she was tired and started to sleep on the couch. By this time her new mother (that would be me lol) was VERY tired and went to bed and daddy stayed with her. Then at night I went to check on her and she was sleeping on the couch and looking at me like: I'm all alone (those little eyes!!!) I went back to bed and by four in the morning I heard her meowing very hard. My bf was also awake so we called her name and she came into the bedroom. She was walking all over us and exploring and then curled up into a little ball between us (our pillows) to go asleep. So sweet, she slept until we got up this morning, purring. Then we got to the living room and she ate and just a moment ago she did her thing on the litter box. She is so easy! I remember with my parents fold we had to work harder lol. She sometimes is naughty but that is because she is a kitten! Playing with the curtains (bye bye curtains!) and jumping all over the couch like crazy. And when you touch her, the engine starts running!! (purring). So sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I'm glad she's bringing so much joy to you and your home. Cats are wonderful.


Well-known member
I am so happy for you. I know you have been waiting so patiently for her to come join you. Purdy sounds really sweet. She is lucky to have such caring parents. Take lots of photos!


Well-known member
She sounds adorable, and I know that you are going to be a great mommy to her
We need more pics!


Well-known member
I will post pics this week, maybe a pick with me with makeup on and her in my arms lol!


Well-known member
So cute! I adoped a kitten about a month ago so I know what it's like when you bring a new kitten into your home!

And I agree with posting pics!


Well-known member
Then they grow up and are brats! LOL... Damn teenagers! Never listens to me anymore! Thinks he can do whatever he wants, go wherever he pleases! Stay up as late as he wants! Backtalks!


Well-known member
cats are amazing! they do grow up to be brats though hahaha. my 10 year old won't hardly ever move unless i pik him up and carry him to where he wants to go and he wakes me up every night at 2am to play with him hahahaha! but you've gotta love them!


Well-known member
awwwwwe, so sweet of the kitty! it's cute when they say meow meow.. i dont mind hearing em saying meow all day....
soo glad that the kitten brighten your day and everyday and to the nearest future... keep me update


Well-known member
awwwwwwwwwww! i am so glad u finally have her home!!
congrats on your little baby
kitties are LOVE!!!! we were adopted by a kitten last august and i just ADORE her


Well-known member
Thanks all! I kind of scared her today, by accident. You know, my parents' fold loves to run around the house with you chasing her (even when she was a kitten). So Purdy started running around the house and I chased her and she got mad, she snarled (if that is the word) and looked angry. So I said sorry and gave her a kitty-candy and then everything was okay and she started purring again. She did scare me for a moment..phew!


Well-known member
lol.. my cat has mood swings up the wazoo... He'll be super happy and purry, and then he'll jump off the couch where my feet are and end up all psyco, with his ears back giving me lots of angry kitty meows and swatting at my feet. And then i'll pick him up off the floor and put him on the couch and he'll start purring again. He's such a wierdo.

The best part about cats though I think is how communicatve they are. I guess lot of pets are like this, but my cat is a real talker. He's got like a bazillion different meows, and I can totally understand what he's saying. None of my other cats were like this, it's really wierd.

Like he'll be wanting to jump somewhere he isn't supposed to be at, and I'll tell him "No!"

He'll look at me and give me this meow that is almost like, "Awwww
" And I totally know it's him telling me that. He's got a bunch of other ones too. He also loves to jump out at me from behind corners. Or chase my feet while i'm walking from room to room. He's such a dork lol...


Well-known member
You have a cute kitty Raerae! I don't understand what Purdy is telling me yet LOL but she certainly means something with her meows!


Well-known member
It easy...

I'll translate...

Meow: Feed me
Meow: Pet me
Meow: Let me out of wherever it is you put me for the night
Meow: Hi, glad your back home
Meow: Feed me some more
Meow: Dont bother me
Meow: Stupid owner


Well-known member
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to take her to the vet tomorrow, her eyes are watering and sometimes she sneezes. I called the vet and she told us to come tomorrow because my baby probably has a cold. Poor kitty!!