Purple graduation gown


Well-known member
I'm graduating in 2 months and I'm getting my gown this wednesday (yayyy!!) I normally would just do a black smokey eye for events like this where I know that lots of photos will be taken because it's safe and usually turns out decent in every photo. Buutttt I'm open to any suggestions on maybe colours that will go well with this purple gown. It's really bright and intense. Here's a photo of my bf last year:


Its a lot more bright in person since it's shiny satin.



Well-known member
Maybe a dark blue smokey eye with some purple in the inner corner. I wish MY gown was going to be that pretty, but it seems like CSUs want everyone to wear black. Grrr.


Well-known member
Naked Lunch (all over lid), Lovely Lily Pigment (outer 2/3), Star Violet (outer 1/3), Trax (contour), Melon Pigment (highlighter).

Pink Opal Pigment on brow/inner corner of eye, Lovely Lily Pigment on inner lid, Hepcat on outer lid, Sketch in crease, Macroviolet Fluidline to line.