Q and A


Active member
Is there an eyeshadow that you want to love but just can't? I've tried and tried with Banshee. I really do want to like but I just can't make it work.

Do you have any eyeshadows like this? :confused:


Well-known member
I really want Cranberry to look as fabulous on me as it does on prppygrl69 but it just always looks kinda strange.
Stars n Rockets
Blue Absinthe

I have no idea what to pair with these to make it work. Stars n Rockets especially because I have really olive/yellow undertones.


Active member
i wanted to love electro sky. couldn't do it. sold it. i have a similar problem with blueboy, but still keep it just in case. i usually have no problem wearing any color, but for some reason blues are the hardest for me to pull off by far.


Well-known member
Phloof! I just need to accept i look better in brights and warmed toned pale colours. And Trax..don't get me started on Trax. But it's just so pretty in the pan.


Well-known member
I'm gonna catch it for this, but parrot. It's so darn pretty in the pan, but I have such a hard time making blues work for me. Sigh. I can use it as a liner, but that's the only success I've had with it.


Well-known member
Off topic, but to get trax to work for me, I wear it over blurberry s/s. It brings out the purple colour of it and the gold sparkles really show.


Well-known member
I just adore Trax! I must agree with the parrot thing though. I paid an exhorbant amount to get my hands on one and was terribly disappointed. Can't figure what the hype was/is all about.


Well-known member
Chrome Yellow
just to name a few....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Chrome Yellow
just to name a few....

I think d'bohemia and paradisco would look fantastic with your blue eyes.........why don't they work for you?


Well-known member
Chrome Yellow, too chalky. Trax, can't seem to get it to work, won't wear well at all. Jewel blue, no matter how I try, it never goes on right.


Well-known member
Say, Yeah! Was loathe to give it up but it just looked goddamn awful on me.

(Incidentally, Banshee seems to work pretty well on me - I like to wear it on top of Blitz & Glitz as a eyeshadow and Banshee works really nicely on top of it).


Well-known member
Tons of them!

-Paradisco: too orangey
-Trax: too muddy (and sadly, so gorgeous in the pan)
-Idol Eyes: not only is it hard to work with, but it doesn't look right once it's on because it's so uneven
-Swish: too blue-toned or something
-Sushi Flower: makes me look like I have pink eye

Basically, I have learned to ignore raves and go with my instincts because most warms and almost all pink shadows look terrible on me.