Question about Clinique 3 Step


Well-known member
I've been using this for ages now but i think i'm doing the whole thing wrong!
Are you meant to wash the clarifying lotion off your face after you apply it???? Please help me!!!!


Well-known member
Hi Jess,

Here's the 3-step breakdown:
1-wash w/ soap on a makeup-less face & rinse
2-Saturate a cotton ball w/ the clarifying lotion (you're not supposed to rinse)
3-moisturize w/ ddml or ddmg
I hope that helps


Well-known member
oh thank goodness!!! so i have been doing this whole thing right! it just feels kinda dry and stuff after applying the clarifying lotion so i was wondering if i was doing it all wrong and stuff. But thankyou so so much for confirming all for me