question about the Pret a Papier chromagraphic pencils


Well-known member
Is it pretty safe to say they wouldn't be "faked" yet? I missed out on getting one and they're sold out everywhere, and I really want one. There's a couple on Ebay, but I just worry about fakes.. but then it's usually the more popular items that have been around a long time that are faked, right? Would the fakers really be able to fake the chromagraphic pencils so soon?


Well-known member
I'd like to say no. It usually takes at least a few months. Whoever is selling them is most likely buying them with their MacPro card for 40% and selling at a higher rate. Do you have a pic for us to see?


Well-known member
Alright, I just looked them up. Are they fake? Most likely not, however they are overpriced. I'd ask someone with a Pro card for a CP. That's just me though.


Well-known member
Thanks for your input
I feel a bit better now. I've actually never done a CP before, I suppose I'm a little intimidated by it. The thing is though, they seem to be all sold out everywhere, so I'm not sure someone could even get one now. I may try that in the future though. Thanks for replying


Well-known member
Well next time let me know! I get free shipping from, and they usually have stuff long after MAC's site sells out, so I can pretty much pick up whatever for you at a relatively low price


Well-known member
Thanks for the offer
I feel so stupid, I usually remember to check Nordstroms online for stuff that's sold out elsewhere, but I completely forgot about it this time - I just checked, and they've still got the chromagraphic pencils. Argh. I'm such a dip - I just spent 12 dollars more than I had to on Ebay. Oh well... live and learn. If I wasn't such a MAC addict I'd probably think more before buying, but there were only 3 of the pencils on Ebay, then a few hours later there were only two, and all I could think was "They're going to sell out before I can get one".

I need help