Question regarding contouring


Well-known member
I saw a tutorial on contouring and the person used a contour and highlight color (hence the MAC duo's) but did not use any blush. So the question is, can you only do one or the other, contouring and highlighting, or only blush. It does seem like that would be alot of color for your face, but I cant imagine not wearing blush.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i have been using my accentuate /sculpt duo but using my pink swoon blush before i use the light highlighter powder as its too pale to be on my cheeks alone x


Well-known member
The way I figure it, you have the light shade highlighting cheekbones, nose bridge, et cetera, and your darker shade recessing cheek hollows, temples, or whatever you've chosen to use it for, and leaving it alone like that would leave your actual apple-y bits of cheek totally bare, which on my face, looks a little flat. It's a matter of taste, but I think blush adds even more...dimension, I suppose, to your face, especially with contouring. I also agree with the above posters, that the blush should be applied before highlighting, and probably shouldn't be the focal point of the look, as that may draw attention to your contouring as well! But if you've blended completely imperceptibly, I don't even see a dramatic blush as an impossibility.

So, to make a long post short, blush seems to definitely be alright to use while contouring!


Well-known member
I usually do contour, blush, highlight all of them, with a good blending it will really enhance your feature. For the contour color I use the color that's 1 or 2 shade darker than my skin tone, for the blush I normally stick with brownish peach tone, and the highlight is usually light beige or golden... the key is using a good powder blush to really bend out the harsh line.


Well-known member
You can contour and not use blush, some say it's sufficient on its own on some skin tones.

I personally think it's a matter of taste and when doing other people's makeup, I've done both.