Random vent...


Well-known member
There's this lady that I see on our smoke deck all the time...and there's two things about her that piss me off...1.) She's got hideously ugly feet and insists on wearing sandals all spring/summer long. Seriously...like...she's got these nasty thick talons that are half painted and half yellow...and from her heels all the way around to the side of her big toe she's got REALLY dry (I mean dry to the point that it's white...and texturey looking...), calloused skin. Ok...I know this is superficial of me...and I have no reason to be personally offended by her feet, but ew. C'mon. Get a pedicure...I'll even pay for it...*shiver* gives me the willies.
and 2.) She's a horrible HORRIBLE gossip (which is probably why I don't feel bad for hating her feet). She's a loud, obnoxious twit who insists on getting into EVERYONE'S conversations, and sticking her nose exactly where it doesn't belong. Ugh. Then she comes down and tells other peoples' business to everyone out there smoking, when that person isn't even around.
I really REALLY hate people like that. It's one thing to talk about someone in conversation, for instance "oh yeah, you know so-and-so has a motorcycle too", you know, crap like that...but to eavesdrop on other conversations (and I know she does, because i've heard her repeat parts of conversations that she was NOT part of, and the two people talking were being quiet, obviously not wanting people to listen...), and then repeat them to people, just throwing the personal life of someone else out in the open like that. Ugh.

Ok...rant over. Thanks.


Well-known member
I love rants. They make me feel a little less crazy. I definitely have people around my life that I rant about... gossips drive me nuts, especially the ones that you know only use you for information and once you don't have any you're suddenly useless.


Well-known member
^^^^ DUDE! That's totally what her feet look like! ...except she shaves....and has longer toenails. Talons, man...talons. She could cut a motherf***er's throat with those things...