Reader's Digest Author of the Year: Richard Dawkins for "The God Delusion"


Well-known member
I enjoy Richard Dawkin's theories. Don't know whether I particularly agree with him or not, but I stop and listen to him speak every time I see him on tv.


Well-known member
Well you know if that's what he wants to believe he can as long as he has proof to himself that can back it up.


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Originally Posted by Hawkeye
Well you know if that's what he wants to believe he can as long as he has proof to himself that can back it up.

I can assure you that he does. His books are a good read too.


Well-known member
What a convenient time for me to check this board. My signature should say enough about my opinion of this news.


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Originally Posted by Eoraptor
What a convenient time for me to check this board.

I actually posted this with you in mind


Well-known member
Oooh, thank you for posting that! I'm going to look into his book, it sounds like something I'd enjoy reading!


Well-known member
You would also be interested in Sam Harris' The End of Faith. I think it's a little inflammatory at times but I think he's generally right- in such a skeptical world, we still cannot question the logic of religious belief.


Well-known member
I think I remember seeing something in response to "the God Delusion" and it was better put together than any of the clips of Richard Dawkins that I have seen....


Well-known member
I've wanted to read one of his books for a while now, I saw a talk he gave at a divinity college somewhere in the States, it was fascinating hearing him defend his statements. He really is brilliant...

I also do not believe in God.

Life In Return

Well-known member
It always amazes me when people do not believe that there is a God. That is so... wow... that's like me going outside and saying - There is no air, there are no trees... There are no humans! Actually, there is no such thing as an atheist. It is so much easier to live to your own liking than to submit to God's standards. But either way, come Judgement Day, it will be too late to believe.

Even before I was a Christian, I knew that God HAS to exist. To think that there is no God is quite foolish. There is no way you can explain how we came into existence, how the WORLD came into existence and say there is no God. It takes a WHOLE LOT more faith to believe that there is no God than to believe that there IS. Your disbelief cannot save you from the wrath of a Holy God. And before someone says I am arrogant, trust me - I'm far from it. I've been saved and redeemed by the Lord because of His grace.

What I speak of, I know to be true, and I'm pleading with you all to turn from your sins, open your hardened hearts, repent, and put your trust in Jesus Christ. To deny Him is to bring further condemnation on yourself. I would hate for you to live life as if there is no God JUST to find out when it's too late that there is one.

Grace and Peace,


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return

What I speak of, I know to be true, and I'm pleading with you all to turn from your sins, open your hardened hearts, repent, and put your trust in Jesus Christ. To deny Him is to bring further condemnation on yourself. I would hate for you to live life as if there is no God JUST to find out when it's too late that there is one.

I always find it interesting that for many people, personal faith is not enough. They feel compelled to convert people whenever they can, including on internet message boards for make-up. I'm not sure if its insecurity or inability to tell where and when these types of conversations are appropriate. This is why people read Richard Dawkins.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
RAWR! Fire! RAWR! Brimstone! RAWR! Hell! RAWR!

I do appreciate your personal conviction, but the method you use to convince others does your faith no good.


Well-known member
It really annoys me when Christians or any religious people for that matter look down on atheists and try to teach them about their "sins" and judgement day and all that stuff. I could not care less about all that. It's very arrogant and rude. I don't belittle your beliefs, so please, let everyone make up their own mind. Religious faith should be practiced privately, and not with the intent to convert others.

In fact, I think believing in God is pretty much like believing in the toothfairy, but hey that is my own PERSONAL opinion.

Very devout people of any faith scare me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
It always amazes me when people do not believe that there is a God. That is so... wow... that's like me going outside and saying - There is no air, there are no trees... There are no humans! Actually, there is no such thing as an atheist.

There is precisely as much evidence that the earth was created by Amun, the Egyptian god of creation or Tangaloa, the Polynesian god as there is that the earth was created by a christian god. How do you know christians are right? Remember, most humans aren't christians and haven't been throughout history. The simple fact that the earth exists cannot be used to prove the existence of one deity or another any more than it can be used to prove that the earth was created by little green aliens from a solar system light years away or indeed in a parallel universe. There is no special piece of evidence that proves christian theology is right.

Originally Posted by Life In Return
To think that there is no God is quite foolish. There is no way you can explain how we came into existence, how the WORLD came into existence and say there is no God.

Actually, it's very easy to explain how we came into existence over the 13 odd billion years since the big bang. 13 billion years is a time that few can comprehend and a lot can happen in that time. If you lived to be three hundred and sixty years, your heart would have beat about 13.7 billion times. Now imagine your heart beats only once a year instead of 72 times a minute (which is about 38 million times a year). Perhaps that will give you some comprehension of the vast timescale involved.

The study of evolution (supported by reproducible experiments and the fossil record) can explain our existence without any difficulty whatsoever. Science isn't a religion - it's a method. Now, if you believe that fossils are simply the skeletons of animals that drowned in the great flood (still a popular theory among many christians) then of course you're going to have difficulty understanding evolution.

Now, here's a question for you Jenn. Do you believe the bible as literal truth (which means the earth was created the way Genesis says it was) or do you have a more modern approach to creation? If you believe the bible is literal truth, then fair enough. It's true to you, but that doesn't mean it's true to anyone else. Even the catholic church largely accepts that the story of creation in Genesis is simply wrong. If you don't believe the bible is the literal truth, then how do you personally decide which bits of the bible are true and which aren't?

I'm not trying to knock you personally but I would like you to think hard about why you believe what you do and come up with some answers. You've already said that not believing in god is foolish; well you are calling one of the finest minds (Professor Richard Dawkins) at one of the world's top universities (Oxford) foolish and I'd really like to see how you justify that rationally and with verifiable evidence. Don't take his title of professor lightly - here in the UK, only the very top academics are awarded that title. Those who have regular university appointments to teach students are called lecturers rather than professors unlike in the USA.


Well-known member
I just feel bad for people whenever I read that self-righteous, I'm saved on Jesus stuff. They don't really want everyone to convert and join them in heaven, in reality they want to feel special and better than everyone else. We love to wallow in superiority.

In my line of work, I've also discovered that belief in Jesus and knowledge that one is already saved tends to make people extra unaccountable for there actions here on lowly planet human.

It used to make me angry, but now I just feel sad.