Really just need to vent


Well-known member
I am having such a bad day and really just need to vent and have no one here to talk to. I hope no one minds. I got my test results back today and they are not good. So now I have to go back for a CT scan. (I had a tumor in my stomache removed a few months back). Somone smaxhed my living room window twice in one night. It is still broke and I live alone with my two young kids, as my DH is up north working. We go up in July. My fridge and freezer died so I lost all the food in there. My DH had a disagreement about our income tax return, my cat is sick and my allergies are frining me nuts. It is one of those days where even the site of new make up does not cheer me up. All I want to do is go to bed and cry. All I can say is tomorrow has to be better. Thanks for "listening"


Well-known member
Awwww, I'm sorry you're having such a rough day. Keep your chin up, it can only get better from here. (((HUGS)))


Well-known member
i can't offer a mechanic to fix your fridge, or even something for your cat.. but here's a virtual hug from all of us in your time of need! i can say that this too shall pass and you have a reward in store for having to endure this to see a brighter day.... keep still and quiet in the midst of your storm. your kids are healthy and food may not be plentiful, but they can offer strength that you may not even see in yourself. you'll be with hubby soon! hold tight for this little ride and it'll be over sooner than you think. we love you!


Well-known member
aww. girl. well just think of it as "how can things get any worse?", and hope they don't. i have bad days once in a while. but it really sounds like you've been having some unluck. im sorry too hear that! but things will work out. =]


Well-known member
Trust me I know how you feel when it can get so overwhelming sometimes you dont know how to cheer up. Dont worry everything has a way of working itself out. And even though your feeling low I would hive you a hug if I could. CHEER UP!