recent FOTDS.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I love the first two! Good job!


Well-known member
I love the fall colors one! I tried it but could not get the swimming part down. I would love it if u could post a toturial!!!


Well-known member
gorgeous! the first, second, and last are my absolute favorites and i'm definitely going to have to mimic those looks. and i just realized that i really need Tilt e/s!

the second one, looks kinda bluish on the bottom. what color is that?

and is there a look-alike for Deckchair pigment?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alumeze
I love the fall colors one! I tried it but could not get the swimming part down. I would love it if u could post a toturial!!!

That sounds like a great idea! I will try to get that done next week, this week i'm far too busy with the school play and etc...i'll also try to do a tuturial for the sea queen one too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xiahe
gorgeous! the first, second, and last are my absolute favorites and i'm definitely going to have to mimic those looks. and i just realized that i really need Tilt e/s!

the second one, looks kinda bluish on the bottom. what color is that?

and is there a look-alike for Deckchair pigment?

The natural one? I don't think I put any color there on purpose, so I don't really know!

And as for a look-a-like...the rose pigment is MAYBE what's most similar, even though deckchair is more orange and rose is more pink...I'm not too familiar with the pigments so if someone could help me out on this that'd be great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mollasaurusrex
The natural one? I don't think I put any color there on purpose, so I don't really know!

And as for a look-a-like...the rose pigment is MAYBE what's most similar, even though deckchair is more orange and rose is more pink...I'm not too familiar with the pigments so if someone could help me out on this that'd be great!

i should have gotten deckchair pig when i had the chance. orangish/brownish tones don't really catch my eye so i stayed away from it, but after seeing it in all of these lovely FOTDs, i realized that i'm really missing out on something. lol.

thanks! ♥


Well-known member
no problem! I actually got it for free from my aunt, and I also stay away from oranges...but I'm really happy that i wound up getting it!