Recommendation for holding the bangs in place


Well-known member
I have side bangs and I want something to keep them in place without making them greasy or too stiff. I hate it when I go outside and they get all messed up. =(


Well-known member
Oh i just got my bangs cut and my stylist did a really cool thing and it's kept them in place for a long time!
First, she blow dried thme to the opposite side for a little bit, smoothing them down with a brush. Then, she took a round brush and brushed in the direction I wear them and blow dried them like that until dry. Then she sprayed them with bedhead hairspray and i have never had my bangs stay in its place for so long! I havent had to do anything to fix them yet.

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
Oh i just got my bangs cut and my stylist did a really cool thing and it's kept them in place for a long time!
First, she blow dried thme to the opposite side for a little bit, smoothing them down with a brush. Then, she took a round brush and brushed in the direction I wear them and blow dried them like that until dry. Then she sprayed them with bedhead hairspray and i have never had my bangs stay in its place for so long! I havent had to do anything to fix them yet.

Hope this helps!

DId it stay like that when it was windy?


Well-known member
yeah they stayed very well. You could give it a try! I think though that any bangs will move a little if its really windy but these held up good!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
yeah they stayed very well. You could give it a try! I think though that any bangs will move a little if its really windy but these held up good!

Ok ty!


Well-known member
when they're damp, put in a bit of gel or wax in them, then pin them to the side as they're drying (or you could blow dry, with or w/o brush). When dry, brush the bangs a little in that direction till the texture's where you want it and they're not too stiff. Add more gel or wax just to the ends, so the bangs don't get all piece-y on you (make the ends come together in sort of at triangle, if that make sense). Set with a light to medium hairspray.

Mine stay pretty well like this and I have really straight fine hair that hates to stay in any position. They may move around in the wind or when I toss my hair or something, but they'll settle back into that shape. If it gets messed up, wet your fingers and pinch the ends together again-- the extra product on the ends should save you in a crunch, and it doesn't look greasy since it's away from your scalp.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by STolEn_KisS
I have side bangs and I want something to keep them in place without making them greasy or too stiff. I hate it when I go outside and they get all messed up. =(

I fu#$%# hate it too, I make all nicey and stuff and the damn wind comes or the air from an open window in my car there gone


Well-known member
Originally Posted by almmaaa
I fu#$%# hate it too, I make all nicey and stuff and the damn wind comes or the air from an open window in my car there gone

haha. I know what you mean.


Well-known member
i usually just brush them with a big round brush, and spray the very ends. it keeps them together.... i FREAKING HATE when you spend TONS of time on your hair, and then the wind jacks it up as soon as you come out the door...............................god >