Recommendations for eyes with this dress..


Well-known member
Hope this works (I'm posting from my phone)


I'm attending a wedding and the picture is of the pattern of the dress I'm wearing. I was wondering should I do neutral eyes with a little pop of color (ie. Mulch with a dark brown in the crease and upper lid lined with Undercurrent.). Something a little bit more, like blue brown with a dark brown crease? Or should I just do a nice coral colored eye and call it a day?

Any help or other recommendations would be appreciated.


Well-known member
a neutral look with a pop of color would be real cute. Why not try a neutral eye with thin black liner, neutral blush and a red lippie. thats just me though.


Well-known member
I would do something like Steamy or Shimmermoss on the lid for a pop of colour, neutral/bronze in the crease.

That pattern is gorgeous!


Well-known member
yes i agree that shimmermoss or something would be nice as a pop of colour on the lid

but a nice bold coral/red lip would also be good as your pop of colour

a pop of colour on your lid might be less fussy at a wedding though, so you dont have to keep reapplying


Well-known member
Humid on the lid with Plummage in the outer crease. Coppering would be a great highlight shade