Red Earth Eye Perfection Primer


Well-known member
Bought it at the weekend, used it today and my goodness it is awful! Disappeared into the crease almost straight away (correct me if I am wrong here, but I thought Primer was meant to STOP that happening?) and made my eyeshadow look horrible and washed out instead of making the colours pop, in fact I might have been better applying them without any base at all, think I would have got a better finish.

I am NEVER straying from Shadesticks or Paints ever again. UNLESS someone elsehas tried this, had success and can give me some tips.


Well-known member
Red Earth is an interesting brand. It was really popular here in Australia a few years ago. Not because it was good necessarily, but because it was widely available. Virtually every shopping mall had a Red Earth store and their products were reasonably priced and they often had heaps of sales where there were markdowns as low as $2 per eyeshadow or lipgloss etc. Then suddenly *POOF* Red Earth disappeared COMPLETELY - NOT A TRACE! Now I've seen it back on and apparently its making its comeback overseas!?!? I just can't understand it because there is still no hint of it in Australia where it originated. Anyway to cut to the chase Red Earth = wide colour selection, low price but average to poor quality depending on the item and perhaps a sketchy history given its mysterious disappearance?


Well-known member
hello ive seen it over here in boots (uk people might know what im on about
) anyway its been on a stand for months nd months with everything half price i thought it was just for that store that wanted rid of it or getting new packaging whatever but seen in in a department store half price too. never really interested me that much


Well-known member
They have actually just gone bust in the UK, so maybe the same has happened in Australia.

Know what you mean about every mall having a Red Earth though, I was in Perth a couple of years ago and they were everywhere.

I loved their nail polishes, but was seriously unimpressed with the eye primer, it was horrible!


Well-known member
Resurrecting an old thread! Has anyone else used the Red Earth Eye Perfection Primer? What do you think?