Returning anything from HK collection?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
It is an absolute crying shame when products which aren't in any way faulty or incorrectly supplied are simply wasted. Especially when they are limited edition products people are clamouring to get their hands on. Every HK product returned is going to disappoint someone who would have loved and used it. That is of course aside from any environmental impact.

I was in my MAC Pro store today to pick up another HK item... (Nice to be Nice l/g)

In line, in front of me was a girl returning a HK lipglass... I almost stopped to ask her what it was (just in case I may have wanted it could have bought it off her) because I knew it was destined for the recycle bin.
I chose instead, to mind my own business. It's her right to return it. It's just a shame it will go to waste.

My first HK haul included 2 of the Mimmy lipglasses. I only really needed one, but in anticipation I would totally LOVE LOVE LOVE it, I bought the second one as a backup. After playing with it for couple days, I feel it's okay... very pretty but not so super special other than the super cute LE packaging.

I could have returned it for a Nice to be Nice l/g at no further cost to me for a second lipglass from the collection, but the idea of a perfectly good unused Limited Edition and highly coveted lipglass going to the recycle/garbage bin just seems kinda wrong to me.

I will hang on to my 2nd Mimmy, and come Christmas time, someone special to me will be absolutely delighted with my small gift to them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pdtb050606
My husband is sitting here with me while I read him these ridiculous posts and in his words he says "go f@*k a paintpot"

as she eyes her Rollickin, looks good with my Hellp Kitty piggies, which I will not be returning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pdtb050606
My husband is sitting here with me while I read him these ridiculous posts and in his words he says "go f@*k a paintpot"

I am VERY impressed he even knows what a paintpot is! What a great hubby!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
By USA I'm really referring to mainland USA. Hawaii didn't become part of the USA until 1959. There was some food rationing in the USA duing the second world war but it was nowhere near as severe as we suffered in the UK. Rationing in the UK persisted in to the 1950s, long after the war had ended. Have a look at what UK rations were here.

Not that this has a goddamned thing to do with the thread, but yes, families in the US are familiar with poverty.

That said, this is getting locked. It's fucking pointless.
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