Revlon Colorist


Well-known member
Im coloring my hair black again...I went to walgreens and saw this new Revlon colorist hair coloring kit it looks like it. Have any of you tried this. This looks really interesting and Im tempted to try it but im not sure if it is worth $15? or if its the same as any $10 hair coloring product.
This is the website for it:


Well-known member
if you're going to go black, i actually wouldn't suggest a store bought dye at all because it'll fade pretty quick. if you have access to a beauty supply store (like sally's) i'd get some professional dye and a bottle of developer (which all together will still only cost you about $10) and go that way so it'll be more fade resistant.


Well-known member
If you're going to dye your hair black but might be wanting to change it in the near future, I wouldn't go with permanent at all. It's such a pain in the behind to get out afterwards because you need double, even triple processing (bleaching). I learned my lesson the hard way, I was had to triple process it out before anything else could be done, ruining the condition of my hair. So inless you know you're going to keep it black for a very long time don't g permanent.


Well-known member
My friend tried this stuff (she has dark brown hair naturally but dyed it black). I think it looks the same as any other soft black... nothing that special except for the glaze. Her hair still looks the same as after she dyed it despite being 2 weeks ago.


Well-known member
thanks glad i asked first cause I am not going to buy it for $15 when I can get the same results for a lot cheaper!