Riley's Birth Story


Well-known member
It only took 40 weeks & 3 days - but I finally get to write about Riley's birth! I am so blessed & grateful to have been able to conceive & carry him...but boy am I glad that he's out!

On 2/22, Friday morning at 6 AM, I was admitted into the hospital for my induction. Shortly after my doctor broke my water & we waited for the contractions to start. They did, too. Wow. I wanted them to get somewhat regular & intense before I asked for the epidural. Dave, on the other hand, was ready for me to get it after the 2nd contraction. He didn't like seeing me in pain. I told him that I was just trying to hold off because I didn't yet think the pain was unbearable. I wasn't trying to be sadistic, lol. Well, when that time came, I was more than sure I couldn't handle the pain. Nothing will wake you up like a contraction.

After I received the epidural, I felt much better & the contractions were, according to the monitor, becoming more intense & more regular. I was left to progress for a few hours & my cervix was checked. I had dilated to about 4 1/2 cm. Not much, but it was progress. The doctor t hen decided to augment my labor with Pitocin. I, again, was left to progress. It seemed like forever, & I even took a nap while waiting. The nurse peeked in & said that it looked like my contractions hadn't changed. They needed to be even stronger than they were.

The doctor came in shortly after & explained that if anything was going to happen, it would be happening a lot quicker than it was. I explained that I wasn't militant about having a vaginal birth. The important thing to me, was to get Riley out safely. He said that if I was super adamant about trying, the most he'd let me do was wait another hour. He didn't feel that it'd do much good. It just wasn't mean to be. We tried all we could & the Riley's head hadn't even dropped. One of the reasons could be that he (& Bobby for that matter) were just too big for my body to deliver vaginally. I was only slightly disappointed, but that was quickly washed away by the fact that in a mere matter of minutes...I'd meet my 2nd son!

So, I gave the go-ahead to proceed with the c-section. Since it wasn't an emergency thing, the staff & doctor were super laid-back & joking. It was a great atmosphere. I was prepped & waiting for Dave to join me in the operating room. By the time he walked in they were already starting the operation. I honestly didn't know they were cutting until I heard Riley cry! My baby boy was 8 lbs. & 13 oz. He was 21 in. long!

So, the the ultrasound estimate was LOWER than what he actually weighed. Aye dios mio! Dave was such a wonderful help & told me I was doing well. He could never watch the Discovery Health Channel tv shows where they show the c-sections being done...but he could snap a few shots when it was his own son being born, lol.

I was originally scheduled to come home on Monday, but I was able to be discharged a whole day early! So, we got to return home on Sunday (after my poor baby's circumcision!) evening. Both Riley & I have a clean bill of health & no medical concerns/complications arose. You truly can't ask for anything more.

We continue to do well. My pain from delivery is decreasing daily. Now the pain/discomfort associated with breastfeeding? That's a different story entirely, lol. Riley & I are still very new when it comes to that, so we'll only continue to improve with practice. His appetite, along with his suction grip, are both voracious! His big brother is glad to have Riley home. Bobby loves to hold Riley & is very protective of him. Dave, the ever- proud papa, is glad to have everyone doing well & couldn't have wished for 2 more perfect children.

I am ecstatic this birth went so well. It was on my terms & a beautiful event. I thank those of you that wished us well. It certainly means more than you'll probably ever know. I'll keep the updates & pictures coming!













Well-known member
All of the pictures are amazing. The first one of Bobby and Riley is so darling. Dave looks so happy in his second picture. Congratulations and I hope everything goes well from here on out.

Thanks for all the updates Dev.


Well-known member
Riley!!! OMG he is too cute.

I am glad that you had a safe delivery and that you and Riley are doing well.


Well-known member
Congradulations! I am soooo happy for you and glad that eveything went well. Have fun w/ your new baby


Well-known member
Aww thanks for the update
i'm glad both of you are healthy..He is such an adoreable cute little boy!


Well-known member
Oh my goodness, i have tears in my eyes becuz the photos of the boys together reminds me of my boys!!! they are soo beautiful. enjoy your family and stay blessed!


Well-known member
Devin, he looks so handsome already. And, look at Bobby, looking like an old pro big brother! You're a lucky woman, surrounded by 3 wonderful guys! Keep us updated.


Well-known member
Congratulations! Both of your boys are adorable. I hope everything continues to go well, and keep the pictures coming!