Rockstar looks


All right, so I'm in an all-girl a cappella group and the theme for our concert this year is rockstars. Since everyone here is so good with all looks, I was wondering if anybody could provide any tips (or rockstars) that could be used for our concert. I know that one of the girls is going to dress up like a KISS member, so if anybody has suggestions for that type of makeup, I would greatly appreciate it. We also will probably have a Cyndi Lauper or a Pat Benatar, a Michael Bolton, and an Indie Rocker. Thanks everyone!


Well-known member
Well,. KISS is really easy,... I would probably go Paul Stanley,.. easiest with the star around the eye,.. For that I would use,. White face paint (I am a MAC whore,.. so probably a white Paintstick or you could hit a costume shop) and then for the black star,..(Fluidline or black eye kohl to draw it and fill it in with a cheaper black shadow wet or with MM,. (I have Black Mica Pigment,.. so I would mix this with mixing medium to fill in.) And for the lips,.. Russian Red l/s. I don't really remember much about Cyndi L or Pat B except their defining features seemed to be more based around their hair. Cyndi with the bright color hair and red lips (Russian Red/Lady Danger Red) and crazy clothes,.. and Pat with the super layered medium hair that was only should length and tapered in the back usually with red lips (more of a Revlon's Raven Red) or nude lips and eyeliner,.. not a lot of makeup. HTH!

I Love LA

New member
Courtney Love (red lips, blonde hair, white dress, pale face), Debbie Harry (red lips, blonde hair....), Joan Jett (almost mullet- black, lots of black eyeliner, skinny pants, lots of pouting and acting rebellious): they are the Rock Chicks.

Rock guys, Axl Rose would be fun (bandana around crazy teased hair, tight jeans, and an oversized singlet, with another bandana- or scarf- around your waist, biker boots, ooohh and aviator sunnies)


Well-known member
I definitely like the idea of Debbie Harry and Joan Jett. And maybe late '80s or early '90s Madona.

For guys? I have no idea but these are the first to pop into my head David Bowie (actually that could go eitherway I guess. Think Ziggy Stardust.), Sonny Bono, Billy Idol, & Axel Rose too