Rx Ffr Brown Skin line


Hey dolls! Any of you brown-skinned beauties familiar with the Rx for Brown Skin moisturizing line? I was browsing around Sephora's site and happened to stumble upon the products. I've been looking for a more mild moisturizer for my dry, senitive skin. I loved what Philosophy's Hope in a Jar did for my skin, but something in it would always make my eyes water. I also tried Shiseido's White Lucent Brightening Moisturizing Cream, but it was too rich and made me breakout. Any reviews on the Brown Skin line? Any other recs would be appreciated, too.

I hate eczema.


Well-known member
I was also wondering about this..I've heard good things about the line, but I've never tried it!


Well-known member
there is actually a thread on this in the Beauty of Color Forum!!!
have you checked it out?
sry i don't have the link, but if you search "RX for Brown Skin" you can find it in that forum. . . it has 20+ reviews i believe!
