Self-indulgence - Other Than Make-Up


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my hair - i get my full set of highlights, cut and deep conditioning treatment done at the salon. - i'd never use those self highlighting kits because i'm really fussy when it comes to my hair!

back massage and facial each month - because of my work i lift lots of heavy items like tv's and such. so therefore my back aches alot so i get massaged and it feels loads better. and the facial i get because i suffer from acne and this keeps it at bay and also feels really nice!!

subway sandwiches for lunch! - i'm too lazy to do a packed lunch (although i bought a breadmaker the other day so will be making my own soon enough!)

kitties and bunnies food / liviong materials! - i love my pets and therefore spend lots on making sure thye have everything they need and have a happy home!


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Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Video games: World of Warcraft, anyone? :p


1. Frequent manicure: i love long pretty nails that dont break.

2. Radox baths: cuz i love long baths in low light and day dreaming while surrounded by bubbles

3. Good food: i'm not one of those women who could be on lettuce 24-7 and watch what food combination they eat. If i love cheese I'll eat it goddammit.

4. Sexual satisfaction: it is important for well being, looking good, feeling good...


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good food - i'm way too spoilt about food. i am super picky about the quality.

my haircut - i spend a shameful amount of money on my haircut, my hairdresser's really expensive but i am sure i get what i want.

books - i'd rather buy books than makeup, enough said.


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-good food
-anything and everything for my spoiled little puppy

-hair products
-skin products not much of a shoes or clothes type of big spender, occasionally I will splurge but yeah.


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1. $30 bottles of shampoo & conditioner
Reason: Because it makes my hair feel great
Truth: it does, but I'm too lazy to find a cheaper alternative

2. Expensive bags/Cole Haan shoes
Reason: they last longer-higher quality, don't hurt my feet
Truth: I'm a bag whore, but the Cole Haan thing really is the truth

3. Eating out at expensive restraunts
Reason: like to get all extra pretty wear more dramatic smokey makeup for the dh
Truth: that is the truth!


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1. Both my sister and I attend a private school and 6th form college, which as you can imagine is a massive expensive, especially after so many years. My reason: Why wouldn't my parents want us to have a good education. Truth: Same as the reason, I'm not saying the private system is necessarily better than the public, but in our area schools = not good. So I believe it was the right choice to go private. I mean I'll be honest my family isn't exactly strapped for cash but at the same time we're not rolling in it, sacrifices were/are made to pay for the fees.

2. My hair in general. I pay to get full head highlights and cut/finish in quite a nice salon and it adds up. I'm also addicted to TiGi Bedhead! My reason: I guess I genuinely believe what I'm getting is better. Truth: Just love to be pampered, don't we all!

3. Gel nails. Backfills every 3 weeks and a soak off and overlay after ever 3 backfills or so. My reason: I just really like the way the perm. french tips look. Truth: Same as #2, self indulgence.

4. Skincare! I use Elemis, which is pretty expensive and get facials there every month or so. Plus all the laser treatments and microderm. I've had. My reason: I had really awful acne and scarring and the treatments really really helped, now I feel like I have totally new skin and I'm happy with it. Really boosted my confidence. Truth: Exactly as my reason says.

5. Holidays, oh dear. Florida lots and lots. My reason: I just love the rush of booking a holiday and then getting all excited over it. Truth: Disneyworld is probably one of the places I'm really at my happiest, I don't know what it is but I walk through those gates and just feel carefree again.

Other than those 5 I can't think of anything, don't go out to eat a lot as a family because of my Crohn's at the moment and I don't spend money on lunch breaks whilst at work at the moment either, again the Crohn's. I'm on a medically supervised liquid diet called Elemental. I'd say my only other downfall is buying clothes on the internet/ebay, they're an absolute steal it's amazing, it's just that once I buy one item I can't stop!


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1. Buying gourmet groceries. Reason: I tell myself that it's better and cheaper than eating out at most franchise restaurants. Truth: I am a serious food snob and eating out at most places makes me wish I had stayed home and cooked for myself, yet I love to go out to eat. I feel like this "solution" excites me to cook and eat at home.

2. Going out to eat. Reason: To spend time with someone and not have to worry about pots and pans. It can take me 2 hours to cook sometimes and only 30 minutes to drive and begin to get food. Truth: I think dinner should be sanctimonious, a time to enjoy your food and conversation and that doesn't happen in my house- especially with having to eat at the bar or most often on the couch, since I don't have a dining table.

3. Shopping online- especially Amazon- especially books- especially trying to reach the $25 limit for free shipping. Reason: Online prices are so much better! You can never have too many books. If I had gone to the store this one pair of shoes would have been $60, now I got 3 pairs for $60. Truth: I love to shop and Amazon seriously enables me and makes it's so easy by being so thoughtful and saving my credit card info. I live next door to a library and I still don't check out books... also my Amazon books come in a concealed package... I would have to take all my sexy books to be checked out by a sweet little old lady- no, thanks!


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This thread makes me feel soooo much better!

Books-Another book whore here. My dad is a book whore too, that's where I get it from. I have this thing I do though...I wait until I get a decent stack of books I have read and can part with or books that were so boring they brought tears to my eyes...then I take them to a used book store and trade them for MORE books. If I had every single book I've bought, they would be out of control. I also buy books even though I have a stack of unread books. Truth: Reading is an escape and I can't help it, I love books, always have, always will.

Smell good stuff: This I need to work on. I am getting better. Truth I went to VS and bought some lotions today.

Starbucks or something similar: I have had a love affair with lattes for over ten years. I go without them on my days off. I just tell myself I work hard for my money and budget for this addiction. Truth: I could save a lot of money but I'd just buy books...and then I would have to walk past a cafe.


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Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Video games: World of Warcraft, anyone? :p

I jsut started WoW 3 weeks ago...LOVE IT.
- Nail polish
- Bras and undies
- Body Products(Shower gels, Bubble bath, creams, face masks, you know :3)


Well-known member
For me it's really:
Eating Out
Friday Night with Friends

and occasionally it is:
Sewing supplies (myself, not family)

But the biggest splurge of all? Bigger than makeup but only about 2x a year?
Art Supplies (once again, this is for myself)


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1. Visit my Payot lady once a month. Reason: For facial treatment, getting my brows done and get rid of unwanted hair. Truth: See reasons.

2. Thai Massage once a month. Reason: I'm sitting in front of the laptop more than 8 hours a day at work. My back and shoulders hurt. I've very bad sitting postures. Truth: I love getting massage.

3. Fabrics and craft supplies. Reason: I sew and sell dresses for Blythe dolls online. Truth: I'm addicted to designer and Japanese cute fabrics. I can't resist them.


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I love nail polish, more than make-up sometimes, heh. i am not buying make-up for awhile, i got some stuff from hello kitty but that was it for a long while (except for the stuff i need, like concealor and stuff).
i also love playing with my dog, going out (which i barely do anymore), stuff like that.


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Originally Posted by kaliraksha
1. Buying gourmet groceries. Reason: I tell myself that it's better and cheaper than eating out at most franchise restaurants. Truth: I am a serious food snob and eating out at most places makes me wish I had stayed home and cooked for myself, yet I love to go out to eat. I feel like this "solution" excites me to cook and eat at home.

This is totally my number 1. I don't actually cook that much but I spend a lot of money buying prepared stuff at Whole Foods. Other than a few favorite restaurants, I'd much rather eat quality, healthy stuff from WF than eat out.

2. Quality Designer Clothing and Shoes: I don't really buy that much but when I do, I want it to be stuff I'll wear for a long time. So I'll spend a lot on two or three pairs of great shoes a year and wear them for years. I tell myself it's an "investment" but I also just feel great wearing really awesome stuff.

3. Exercise programs/gym memberships: I spend a ton on a gym membership, Crossfit twice weekly program, and rowing club membership. I tell myself it's for health but it's really a social thing for me; all my friends are either rowers or in my Crossfit class.

4. Books: I've got the Amazon Prime membership 'cause I order so often. I also order a big shipment of books from Japan several times a year. It's expensive but I justify it as being "educational". But it's really just for me.

I tend to skimp on most other things: my car is a 21-year old beater, I live in a little tiny comfy house, all my furniture is cheap stuff from Ikea, and I don't have cable. I spend on what's important to me.


Well-known member
Oh damn, totally busted...:

1. Leotards/dancewear. My reason: I need to wear what presents me at my best. Truth: I love new dancewear. So much.

2. Food. My Reason: The simple pleasures in life make me happy. Like smoked gouda or Lindt truffles. And I never, really ever (once or twice a year) eat out. Truth: I love food.

3. Starbucks. My Reason: I need a caffeine fix. Truth: Their drinks are so much more delicious than the French Roast I make at home. Plus I know/love all the people at my local S'bux.

I've been a good girl so far this year, saving for my summer program. My packing list is due in the mail any day now, at which point I will find out what I get to indulge on--I cannot wait to get a big box from Discount Dance Supply in a couple months. Six pairs of pointe shoes, new character shoes, new flats, tights, leotards, character skirt...


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Its so funny. I think I can only have one obession at a time. I love handbags and shoes as much as makeup... But I cant balance them. I will go for months and only buy makeup, the next couple months buy only shoes. Whatever is in my mind at that time... But when I have one I dont feel like the need the others... How weird is that?

I do indulgence in Starbucks as well daily.. which I am trying to give up.

I love buying Organzation items and re do ing EVERYTHING... OFTEN!

I love Reality TV. I seriously am a junkie. I cant get enough! Dont get me wrong... there are some I dont like.. But if It ever went away.... id be sad...


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1. Dresses. I live in dresses and haven't worn a pair of pants in over a year. If I see a cute dress I have to have it. It's like a compulsion.

2. 4-5 inch heels. I love the feeling a great pair of stilletoes give me. Feel like I am so much more confident.

3. Bags. I have the cute dress and the great shoes. Now I need an awesome bag to bring the outfit together.


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1.) Desserts
Reason: It can save me money from eating it again if I can recreate its concept.
Truth: I love desserts ... love ._.

2.) Ball jointed dolls
Reason: They are a decent investment and particularly still retain value after many years
Truth: I'm addicted to creating, designing, planning and realising/executing. They help enhance my creative outlet.

3.) my mobile phone bill
Reason: it's only .25c a message D:
Truth: I'm too impatient to remember what I had to say later... even if I'm over my cap!!!

I have one more and it's acquiring academic credentials. I don't want to work yet D: I'm still having too much fun learning T_t ... but it's not eating my wallet yet. (Governement loans and scholarships.. yay!)


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1) Eating out...

Rationalization: a bad habit brought about by living with the b/f. He used to eat out more than I ever did...and ever since we started living together... DUN DUN DUN. (boo)

Reason: Sometimes I, too, am simply lazy. :p

I'm curbing that though...because I love cooking, even if it's just for me...and frankly, after a while, the thought of eating out turns my stomach.

That's kind of about it. I actually really hate to shop. (I have SUCH a guilty complex/buyer's remorse... I'll literally spend four days online trying to pick 5 new nail polishes.)


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1. Fine dining -
My Reason - I think its great that we go out to more expensive resturants to really experience culture and good food.
The truth - I'm 19 and I have a minimum wage part time job and really can't afford that sort of thing. Plus it makes me feel fancy even though I am so darn poor!

2. Movies -
My Reason - Who doesn't love movies? I do like the occasional sitting at home and watching a movie but why not go out?
Truth - Don't like sitting at home.....its so boring

3. Shoes -
My Reason - Shoes are a great investment that can be worn for a long time! Its your feet, they need to look nice too!
Truth - I don't need more shoes, I know, you know it? But how can we resist the cute leopard print peep toe or the ultra blue suede 5 inch pumps? Really? Who can?