Selling on craigslist question


Well-known member
So I posted a thread before about selling some of my old stuff for $$.
I've put some stuff on cragslist but am a little apprehensive on going about meeting up with the person and making the sale personally.
What do you usually do when selling on sites like craigslist? Meet up in person? Paypall? Mail? What is the best way.


Well-known member
i would say in person in a public place just as a mcdonalds or a mall or even in front of walmart. people try to scam you too much if you mail items or have them pay through paypal cause then we they get the item they just cancel the transaction. i think in public is safer cause you get to look at the money before you give them item and make sure its not fake, plus they can't get it back and take your stuff


New member
Well, I sell stuff on Craigslist all the time. Depending on what I'm selling, I'd usually meet people in different places, but usually I only meet them when it's daylight and where there's a lot of people (very public area) and when I leave, I wait for them to leave for to make sure they don't follow me. And...I do not mean to be sexist...but usually if its a man who is interested, I ask my fiance to go with me so I feel extra safe.

A few things from my previous experiences. be VERY detailed on your ad, you may be surprised as to how many people do not read the whole ad, and will ask you very stupid questions. Ex: I was selling small dog beds, I had a lady call me and asked if she will be able to fit in it, when the ad clearly stated the size 3ft x 1ft.
supposedly she thought it was a queen size bed...

Also, even if you meet at a public place, GIVE the address. Google the most popular store in the complex, such as Target or Walmart, and ask them for what make, model, and color of their car so you know who to expect...

Hope it all goes well!!!
I made a lot of extra money on the side just by getting rid of old stuff I do not use anymore.


New member
OH! one more thing...i use a separate email account JUST for craigslist...I don't want them googling my email and finding all of my forum/myspace/facebook etc accounts...there's no need they need to know all that!


Well-known member
I bought my Volkswagen Beetle on Craigslist.

Even though I bought it from a woman, I still took other people with me, for safety.

*Damn, I wish I hadn't had to sell that car 3 months later...*


Well-known member
Wow, you guys sure are extra safe! I've met a lot of people up at Starbucks. Not sure why, but its a very popular choice of place to meet up for craigslist lol


Well-known member
When I buy and sell on local sites, I always have hubby there with me. He is 280lbs, 6'1" and looks like a biker
So if you have a big dude to take along with you, all the better. If not, I agree with everyone else. Just go somewhere public.


Active member
i'v never had any problems with meeting sellers off of craigslist

i'v had to go to ppls houses to buy dressers and tables and i'v never had a problem

mind u it was always during the day

good luck


Well-known member
Just meet in a public place, and take a friend with you if you want

Have a chat with the person over the phone too, don't do everything through email. That way you can get a feel for them.

I sell things all the time on craigslist and usedvictoria (a site we have where I live) and I've always had good results.