Senior Portrait Help


the year i have been waiting 16 years for has finally come.

i get to take my senior portraits on august first.

i've decided to seek advice from all of you very talented people on specktra.

you guys know the drill, drab background. drab clothes. [dark] and if we want, a super simple necklace or pearls.

now here's my dilemma, should i just go for a natural look [to please my mom. pft.] or a brighter/more rebellious look to stand out.

i'm hopeless when it comes to things like this.

hmm. i'm asian. jet-black hair. i'm fair-skinned. [sorry don't really have more of a reference.]

i'm planning on wearing a v-neck sweater that has jewels that are sewn on all along the collar. and no clue about the accessories right now.

hope that's enough to go on.

your help is really appreciated. thanks.


Well-known member
hey YOO

the funkier you are the more dated your picture will seem
ie. feathered hair in the 70s with frost lipstick and blue shadow, big perms in the 80s with power stripe blush and black eyeliner, etc etc

when you look back at your picture what do you want your reaction to be?
Omg i remember the 2000's?

its your senior portrat though i say have fun with it.
like do something classic with a twist.
whether it be a fun lip color or a cool pop of color in the eyes like liner on the bottom lash line, etc.



hahaha. hey to YOO too. :]

hey unni. thanks for the suggestions. i promise i'll send you a picture after they come back.