Share your stalker stories.....


Well-known member
Wow, when would you consider a person a stalker?? I assume weird/inappropriate comments from customers, hanging around a lot but not looking at makeup? ugh I cannot imagine!
I'm obsessed w. MAC so sometimes am there a bit of time but that's b/c I can't pick a colour! lol I hope I'm not considered one, I barely talk to the MAs--I'm friendly but prefer to look on my own and if I have a colour question then wave 'em over!


Well-known member

There are probably some MAs that think I am a stalker. When I have time to kill when I am downtown or just feeling blah I like to go in and talk to the girls, look around and hang out for a bit. It's a good pick me up and it gives me something to do while I wait for the train. I try not to monopolize their time and I can't when there are actual customers to help.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
Wow, when would you consider a person a stalker?? I assume weird/inappropriate comments from customers, hanging around a lot but not looking at makeup? ugh I cannot imagine!
I'm obsessed w. MAC so sometimes am there a bit of time but that's b/c I can't pick a colour! lol I hope I'm not considered one, I barely talk to the MAs--I'm friendly but prefer to look on my own and if I have a colour question then wave 'em over!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
There was a guy at another location that used to hang around the counter & always stare at this one MA. When he wasting hanging out around there, he would call the counter & describe her & ask her name. Once he got her name, he would call & say that he was a friend of "Mary" & he wanted to buy her a gift & needed to know what kind of panties she likes to wear & what size bra. They would hang up on him & he would keep calling back until he had to have asked every single MA that works there that question. I think they finally threatened to call the cops or something & he stopped.

LMAO! That is hilarious, creepy as HELL but hilarious. He actually called to get info on her lingerie preferences???? People are really crazy. Just plain ol' crazy.


Well-known member
I've experienced a few. While feelancing a guy walked up and wanted his makeup done which is not so unusual for a mac counter but something was off. He was talking to my coworker in this really low hushed tone and she kept looking at me weird. I had to go blow my nose and told her I would be right back and she looked as if she was about to cry. I turned to walk away and realized that something was wrong so I stayed. I look back at him and he is just staring at her boobs and licking his lips. Come to find out he's been stalking her.

At my old store, a weirdo came in and wanted to talk to our sweetest little ma who never has a bad word to say about anything. When I realized that a usually fast appt of 35 mins was talking 2 1/2 hours. I had to walk up and see what was going on. She broke away to go to the back to ask for help cause he was tripping! He left then came back asking that I give her a ring he had bought. I said I wouldn't and our manager came over to talk to him. He wanted the MA's name and number to call and give it to her personally and I said HELLLS NAW. We actually had to call security to have him escorted out cause he didn't want to take no for an answer.


Well-known member
not MAC but LUSH (so it counts as cosmetic retail

we had this weird old guy (approx in his early 60s) who would come in on a regular base and talk with the female SAs. I didnt knew him (we only have short shifts as were only allowed to work a certain amount of hours per months, german bureaucracy
) so i went up to him and asked him if i could explain him something. he was sniffing soaps and told me that they all semlt disgusting. i tried to find out what he liked (smell-wise) and tried to find a soap he might like. after the fourth or fifth soap he didnt like i put the soap tester back down and he grabbed my hand and KISSED it. i was standing there shocked. when i regained some of my consciousness i asked him why he did that. he answered, and i am NOT kidding: "I thought you wanted it"

"uhm... no i certainly didnt want it."

"i thought you were flirting"

"i was not flirting, i was showing you soaps. i would like an excuse for this."


i went straight backstage, where another SA asked me what happened. when i told it to her i started to cry because i was just so frustrated and angry. she went out and asked him to leave the store.

as far as i know, the guy has been in our shop several times. once he asked an SA what she was thinking of his new bought pullover, another time he showed a cheap perfume, stating that this was his fave fragrance and this smelt good, unlike our fragrances. he also shocked one of our new SAs on her first days, i relly felt for her... and the best thing, in my opinion, was, when he once actually bought the easter-bunny-shaped honey soap because it smelt tasty and then returned only 5 minutes later asking if you could eat it. when the SA said "no" he said he tried it and took the bunny out of a bag, and it was missing some parts and had visible bitemarks.

after the incident with my hand he got banned from the store the next time my manager saw him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eulchen
not MAC but LUSH (so it counts as cosmetic retail

we had this weird old guy (approx in his early 60s) who would come in on a regular base and talk with the female SAs. I didnt knew him (we only have short shifts as were only allowed to work a certain amount of hours per months, german bureaucracy
) so i went up to him and asked him if i could explain him something. he was sniffing soaps and told me that they all semlt disgusting. i tried to find out what he liked (smell-wise) and tried to find a soap he might like. after the fourth or fifth soap he didnt like i put the soap tester back down and he grabbed my hand and KISSED it. i was standing there shocked. when i regained some of my consciousness i asked him why he did that. he answered, and i am NOT kidding: "I thought you wanted it"

"uhm... no i certainly didnt want it."

"i thought you were flirting"

"i was not flirting, i was showing you soaps. i would like an excuse for this."


i went straight backstage, where another SA asked me what happened. when i told it to her i started to cry because i was just so frustrated and angry. she went out and asked him to leave the store.

as far as i know, the guy has been in our shop several times. once he asked an SA what she was thinking of his new bought pullover, another time he showed a cheap perfume, stating that this was his fave fragrance and this smelt good, unlike our fragrances. he also shocked one of our new SAs on her first days, i relly felt for her... and the best thing, in my opinion, was, when he once actually bought the easter-bunny-shaped honey soap because it smelt tasty and then returned only 5 minutes later asking if you could eat it. when the SA said "no" he said he tried it and took the bunny out of a bag, and it was missing some parts and had visible bitemarks.

after the incident with my hand he got banned from the store the next time my manager saw him.



we have a couple "stalkers" at my counter as well. they've never done anything really creepy/weird but it's enough to make some of the girls i work with feel uncomfortable. first there's a girl who also works in the mall who has taken it upon herself to learn all of our names and makes sure she uses our names as much as possibly, especially in front of her friends to "show off" and she always comes by and gives my manager free things & gift cards. and whenever one of us goes into her place of work she uses our names and talks to us like she's a co-worker as well. there's also another girl who stalks a girl at my counter and the stalker's sister is even in on it, they constantly lurk around the corner and watch her while she's working. and another guy who works in the mall as well is always after another girl at the counter, calling her beautiful all the time and has even made her hate going out of the bay and into the mall during her shifts. i guess people just get weird and jealous because of where we work?! i have no idea. people need to realize working at mac isn't always as glamorous as it seems!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eulchen
not MAC but LUSH (so it counts as cosmetic retail

we had this weird old guy (approx in his early 60s) who would come in on a regular base and talk with the female SAs. I didnt knew him (we only have short shifts as were only allowed to work a certain amount of hours per months, german bureaucracy
) so i went up to him and asked him if i could explain him something. he was sniffing soaps and told me that they all semlt disgusting. i tried to find out what he liked (smell-wise) and tried to find a soap he might like. after the fourth or fifth soap he didnt like i put the soap tester back down and he grabbed my hand and KISSED it. i was standing there shocked. when i regained some of my consciousness i asked him why he did that. he answered, and i am NOT kidding: "I thought you wanted it"

"uhm... no i certainly didnt want it."

"i thought you were flirting"

"i was not flirting, i was showing you soaps. i would like an excuse for this."


i went straight backstage, where another SA asked me what happened. when i told it to her i started to cry because i was just so frustrated and angry. she went out and asked him to leave the store.

as far as i know, the guy has been in our shop several times. once he asked an SA what she was thinking of his new bought pullover, another time he showed a cheap perfume, stating that this was his fave fragrance and this smelt good, unlike our fragrances. he also shocked one of our new SAs on her first days, i relly felt for her... and the best thing, in my opinion, was, when he once actually bought the easter-bunny-shaped honey soap because it smelt tasty and then returned only 5 minutes later asking if you could eat it. when the SA said "no" he said he tried it and took the bunny out of a bag, and it was missing some parts and had visible bitemarks.

after the incident with my hand he got banned from the store the next time my manager saw him.

EWWWW!!! Weren't you scared that he might track you down when you go home ..or something..I would have called the cops for sexual harassment. this is really really disgusting... I think i might have slaped him, lol


Well-known member
i really had to held me back to not do anything i would do if it would have been an "out-of-work" situation but stay as professional as i could. i wasnt scared by him, i was just angry, mainly about the fact that this kind of men think were interested in them just because we look pretty and work in cosmetic retail... i wasnt scared of him and neither did i worry bout him actually stalking me after working hours.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by saturnine11
we have a couple "stalkers" at my counter as well. they've never done anything really creepy/weird but it's enough to make some of the girls i work with feel uncomfortable. first there's a girl who also works in the mall who has taken it upon herself to learn all of our names and makes sure she uses our names as much as possibly, especially in front of her friends to "show off" and she always comes by and gives my manager free things & gift cards. and whenever one of us goes into her place of work she uses our names and talks to us like she's a co-worker as well.



Well-known member
Ok, I've got some but they are from another job I had in a salon. There was this one COCKY guy that came in every two weeks to get his haircut. He would find a new favorite stylist and flirt with her until she turned him down then he would move on to a new one. One day I went to replace some towels at the poo bowls and he was there getting his hair washed. He was watching the stylists boobs as she shampooed him-like he was being hypnotized.
One day he left with another female client (who I knew was married). They had been flirting across the salon.

Another male client would come in with his wife to get haircuts. A stylist was combing his hair and happened to notice that he had pitched a tent under the cape. His wife was in the chair right next to them. The stylist who was working on him told him she needed to get a different cape, so she took the one he had on off. She was hoping his wife would bust his nasty ass. The worst part is he had on a pair of short-shorts!


Well-known member
Ugh! I had this one guy come in and ask if I spoke Spanish. I assumed he was picking some M.A.C. stuff out as a gift for his wife or girlfriend. Well he starts going on and on about how I was so pretty, blah blah and touching my hair. All I could do was keep saying thank you and then he just leaned over and kissed my forehead and it was really wet. *Yak*
I had a huge amount of saliva right in the middle of my forehead. My co-worker grabbed my arm and pulled me away and asked him not to do that and he finally left. Usually I am pretty feisty but I just kinda froze.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Ok, I've got some but they are from another job I had in a salon. There was this one COCKY guy that came in every two weeks to get his haircut. He would find a new favorite stylist and flirt with her until she turned him down then he would move on to a new one. One day I went to replace some towels at the poo bowls and he was there getting his hair washed. He was watching the stylists boobs as she shampooed him-like he was being hypnotized.
One day he left with another female client (who I knew was married). They had been flirting across the salon.

Another male client would come in with his wife to get haircuts. A stylist was combing his hair and happened to notice that he had pitched a tent under the cape. His wife was in the chair right next to them. The stylist who was working on him told him she needed to get a different cape, so she took the one he had on off. She was hoping his wife would bust his nasty ass. The worst part is he had on a pair of short-shorts!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupgal
Ugh! I had this one guy come in and ask if I spoke Spanish. I assumed he was picking some M.A.C. stuff out as a gift for his wife or girlfriend. Well he starts going on and on about how I was so pretty, blah blah and touching my hair. All I could do was keep saying thank you and then he just leaned over and kissed my forehead and it was really wet. *Yak*
I had a huge amount of saliva right in the middle of my forehead. My co-worker grabbed my arm and pulled me away and asked him not to do that and he finally left. Usually I am pretty feisty but I just kinda froze.
