Shithole and Ghetto


Well-known member
I can wish and dream can't I ? God I am so tired of living here in this city, and working here and driving the same roads everyday, you know it gets boring. I just wish I had my own little apartment to live in, it would be just fit for me. I just want out of this cycle I am in. I want to move to a different city, where people are educated and clean. I am so sick of the ghetto, I don't actually live in the ghetto, but the ghetto is about two minutes away, it's so annoying, if I want to go shopping I get gawked at in the malls around here because everyone else is dressed down and I like to dress up. I just don't fit in and I don't want to fit in either. I just want to move. Some times I wish I was a millionaire that way I would just buy that small apartment I want by the beach and enjoy life and work part time around people who have money are ducated and clean. I have to go to Orange County to even taste the life I want, I have to shop there to fit in with the people that are at my standard, I'm not trying to sound snooty or anything, but living here is just not fullfilling to me. I mean yeah I grew up around the different cities and I graduated high school around her but I just want something better I am an adult now and I can't see myself living the rest of my life in this city, around these neighbors driving these streets. I want to be somewhere else. I just wish I could find a way to get out of here and find some meaning to my life. Here it's ghetto and my existense is meaningless. Also my dad is stubborn and her refuses to leave this city, he says that other cities are too expensive and that there's nothing wrong with where we live and that's the best he can do.

But I want better I want cleaner and I want out of this place. I literally feel like I'm going to bust, In the summer theres no blue skies only smog, it's disgusting. I just wish that all the money that I had earned in the past had been saved rather then spent, that way I could just leave this shit hole behind and live in a small apartment with out a roomate or anything made just for me. My mom doesn't take me seriously when I tell her that I am going to have that apartment one day and that I will be so happy, she tells me to please move her out of this city when I decide to go because she feels the same way I do. I just feel like I'm stuck in a ruti I've been stuck in ot for about 4 years now and I just started saving money, I feel so helpless, I want to get a second job so that way I can earn eztra money and move the fuck up out of this place. Maybe if I get that second job along with the one I already have I can save enough money so that around this time next year I can leave and be happy in my own niche. Sorry about the rant but I'm sure I'm not the only one


Well-known member
Hey, you're not alone. I live in the same city as you, I grew up here, and I wish I could afford to live someplace nicer. Even the apartment I'm in is horrible, but it's actually the cheapest one I can get around here. *sigh*

So, yeah. I know how you feel. Also, I wish I lived somewhere that actually had a WINTER. I hate that it's always hot here.


Well-known member
Heh... It's not all roses in the OC eigther. I grew up in the OC, and I could give you a list just as long of everything I hated about the OC. How you have to drive anywhere you wanna go. It's just urban sprawl with track homes and outlet centers. There is no real night life beyond the Irvine Spectrum. If you wanna go to anyplace that actually has good clubs or bars you have to drive to LA. Etc, etc, etc.

Wanna know where I live now? On the edge of the ghetto in LBC =P I have my own little appartment, and I can grab a cab with friends when going downtown, and we can cab it right back after. I can hear cars driving by at night, and all the other sounds of city life.

Grass is always greener?


Well-known member
Rarerae is correct...sometimes the grass ISN'T always greener somewhere else, but......

if you really want to get out of where you live, make a plan. Write it it every day. Take it with you, and when you get discouraged, whip it out and read it to yourself. Get that 2nd job and save every penny if you can. Be disciplined with yourself and keep the eye on the prize. You're a big girl now, and you should be able to live where you want. Be positive about your dreams and don't let negativity get you down. Don't worry if people think you're being's something for you and you only. After all, no one can live your life but you.

Yes, easier said than done, but we're only on this earth one time, and life's too short to be that unhappy. Go for it!!


Well-known member
Just because you move doesnt mean it will be any different....

You are an work..rite?? (yea...letters on keyboard are fucked up...I dont ave apostropes OR tose two letters tat come after F and before I)...So RENT yourself tat apartment you want...You re always sayin its very ard livin w/ your Mom...If you budjeted (yea..I know..I just made te spellin up) and saved your money, you COULD rent a lil apartement somewere....

Tere are oin to be people EVERYWERE tat are nt educated, or s just tat way...But you can avoid te people you dont want to be around, and surround yourself wit te people you DO...and sometimes it takes effort to find tem...

My sister was just sayin tis same tin last week...we live in a small town in Nortwestern CT...Many of te people ere are very small minded...tey dont travel..tey dont read literature...etc. etc...Se wants to move to San Francisco...Se as a REALLY nice loft apartement in a 3 family ouse we own tat our parents left pays minimal rent, and I elped my dad build and decorate tis apartment from te attic...We did a nice job....its perfect for a sin le female...but it s not ood enuff for STILL wants to et away...I told er se would only find te SAME type of people tat drink at te local bar, because se wasn t willin to surround erself wit oter types of people....Join a doesnt ave to be sometin c can be cool...I belon to an Orc id club...I belon to a Marine/Coral fis tank club...Ive met some awesome people...

Life is wat YOU MAKE IT...No matter WERE you ll never be appy if you aren t appy wit yourself....and from some of te posts Ive read, you are NOT appy wit yourself....and tat comes from te INSIDE...not wat brand of duds te people in te mall wear in your location....

Sure, it s nice to be able to ride down te road and et to te beac...err...ocean....OR a cool s oppin location (stores)...but tese tins are trivial...tey really mean notin wen you are appy wit your self/life....Te first tin I tink you MUST DO...FOR YOUR OWN SANITY is et OUT of your Moms place...tere is NO reason wy you cannot save up for a lil place of your own like you ve been tinkin about....

You always say you re not satisfied wit your life...DO SOMETIN about it...

Only YOU contain te key to your life.....Make it wat YOU want it

PS: Im REALLY sorry tat you ave to read tis post like tis...Im sure it s been a pain in te ass to read ANY of my posts for te last week...I ll et tis fixed soon...promise
Tanks for bein patient....


Well-known member
That was funny reading that. But she speaks the truth, even if she does type like she's illeterate =P Go buy a new keyboard =P


Well-known member
Oh man I feel ya girl. I live in the Bay Area and its funny because if you look up the most expensive zip codes to live in on Forbes most of the listings are here in the Bay Area. So a lot of people expect it to me all bouji but recently with this whole "hyphy" hiphop bull crap everyone thinks they're ghetto or a gangsta. Its annoying.

I actually wanted to get away from here n move to Southern Cali but I've heard a lot of what your saying about LA being horrible to live in and the OC is better. Either way my family would NEVER let me move unless I got married or was going to school over there. So I deal ...

The whole ghettoness isn't bad where I live cuz I live outside of San Francisco. So your welcome to come live here if you'd like.
you have a friend in the Bay Area if you ever wanna come up. The good thing about where I live is that I live in the nice suburbs but I live about 15-20 minutes from downtown SF. LA and OC is a lot bigger ... plus everything here is so expensive that there really aren't ne ghettos where we live. All the ghettos got pushed out of SF.

I'm only bored here cuz I've been in the same place for about 20 years n all my friends have become lame.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
That was funny reading that. But she speaks the truth, even if she does type like she's illeterate =P Go buy a new keyboard =P



Its a LAPTOP....cant just buy a new keyboard...ave to ave one REPLACED....We are callin for estimates...My usband spilled sometin on it

Im not illiterate..Far from it...It does DRIVE ME CRAZY to ave to type like tis, cause Im usually VERY anal about spellin and ( )rammar...So it bot ers me...a LOT.

PS: You spelled illiterate incorrectly in your post above


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine


Its a LAPTOP....cant just buy a new keyboard...ave to ave one REPLACED....We are callin for estimates...My usband spilled sometin on it

Im not illiterate..Far from it...It does DRIVE ME CRAZY to ave to type like tis, cause Im usually VERY anal about spellin and ( )rammar...So it bot ers me...a LOT.

PS: You spelled illiterate incorrectly in your post above

you can plug a regular keyboard into your laptop in the meantime. I know my laptop keyboard is messed up too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Oh man I feel ya girl. I live in the Bay Area and its funny because if you look up the most expensive zip codes to live in on Forbes most of the listings are here in the Bay Area. So a lot of people expect it to me all bouji but recently with this whole "hyphy" hiphop bull crap everyone thinks they're ghetto or a gangsta. Its annoying.

I actually wanted to get away from here n move to Southern Cali but I've heard a lot of what your saying about LA being horrible to live in and the OC is better. Either way my family would NEVER let me move unless I got married or was going to school over there. So I deal ...

The whole ghettoness isn't bad where I live cuz I live outside of San Francisco. So your welcome to come live here if you'd like.
you have a friend in the Bay Area if you ever wanna come up. The good thing about where I live is that I live in the nice suburbs but I live about 15-20 minutes from downtown SF. LA and OC is a lot bigger ... plus everything here is so expensive that there really aren't ne ghettos where we live. All the ghettos got pushed out of SF.

I'm only bored here cuz I've been in the same place for about 20 years n all my friends have become lame.

yeah your parents are unfortunatly true arabs, won't let you move out unless your married or going to school, I would die if that was my case, I can't stand arab parents sometimes, they work on my last nerves. No offense... I'm unfortunatly middle eastern.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Heh... It's not all roses in the OC eigther. I grew up in the OC, and I could give you a list just as long of everything I hated about the OC. How you have to drive anywhere you wanna go. It's just urban sprawl with track homes and outlet centers. There is no real night life beyond the Irvine Spectrum. If you wanna go to anyplace that actually has good clubs or bars you have to drive to LA. Etc, etc, etc.

Wanna know where I live now? On the edge of the ghetto in LBC =P I have my own little appartment, and I can grab a cab with friends when going downtown, and we can cab it right back after. I can hear cars driving by at night, and all the other sounds of city life.

Grass is always greener?

but see thats not my lifestyle at all I've never gone to clubs, parties or even drank in public at bars, the night life is not for me I'm very different then other girls my age, I just want some peace away from the nasty people here, I don't want more noise and smells, or clubs, I'm so not a people person in places like that, trust me I've tried, it's not for me.


Well-known member
Well, I live in a shithole of a village in a part of Germany that is invaded by tourists and the average age here is somewhere around 50 something. BARRRFFFF

If your dad doesnt want you to leave I guess you have to take it into your own hands I mean they cant keep you locked inside the house...

If you feel your existance is meaningless, YvetteJeannine is right, join some kind of club, start something ( maybe a internet site? charity? sports? a band? designing clothes?) , go out somewhere you like and focus on what you like instead of focusing (wasting energy) on what you hate. Doing something you enjoy gives you a lot of energy and once you feel how much engery you actually have, maybe you'll feel strong enough to make it out of there on your own.

I dont know you but I really hope the best for you and that you get a chance to get out of there cause being stuck in a shithole is the worst thing ever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pascal
yeah your parents are unfortunatly true arabs, won't let you move out unless your married or going to school, I would die if that was my case, I can't stand arab parents sometimes, they work on my last nerves. No offense... I'm unfortunatly middle eastern.

hehe don't trip girlie I'm lucky my mom isn't religious like all my cousin's parents or I'd NEVER leave the house. If you really wanna move and have the money to, you may enjoy the Bay Area. I mean I don't know you personally so idk what your interests are but it maybe a right fit. It's just REALLY expensive to live here. Living on my side of the Bay Area you don't really have ne ghettos ... our "gangstas" drive BMWs their dad's bought them, live in an expensive house, and go to private school hehe. At least it's safe!

I'm not big on clubbing either, the only type of "clubbing" I do is going out to Arabic resutrants that have singers and stuff. I hate the club scene actually. I don't drink either so I don't do bars and stuff.

Whatever you do girl, I hope you get to do what you went sooner then later.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Just because you move doesnt mean it will be any different....

You are an work..rite?? (yea...letters on keyboard are fucked up...I dont ave aposropes OR tose two letters tat come after F and before I)...So RENT yourself tat apartment you want...You re always sayin its very ard livin w/ your Mom...If you budjeted (yea..I know..I just made te spellin up) and saved your money, you COULD rent a lil apartement somewere....

Tere are oin to be people EVERYWERE tat are nt educated, or s just tat way...But you can avoid te people you dont want to be around, and surround yourself wit te people you DO...and sometimes it takes effort to find tem...

My sister was just sayin tis same tin last week...we live in a small town in Nortwestern CT...Many of te people ere are very small minded...tey dont travel..tey dont read literature...etc. etc...Se wants to move to San Francisco...Se as a REALLY nice loft apartement in a 3 family ouse we own tat our parents left pays minimal rent, and I elped my dad build and decorate tis apartment from te attic...We did a nice job....its perfect for a sin le female...but it s not ood enuff for STILL wants to et away...I told er se would only find te SAME type of people tat drink at te local bar, because se wasn t willin to surround erself wit oter types of people....Join a doesnt ave to be sometin c can be cool...I belon to an Orc id club...I belon to a Marine/Coral fis tank club...Ive met some awesome people...

Life is wat YOU MAKE IT...No matter WERE you ll never be appy if you aren t appy wit yourself....and from some of te posts Ive read, you are NOT appy wit yourself....and tat comes from te INSIDE...not wat brand of duds te people in te mall wear in your location....

Sure, it s nice to be able to ride down te road and et to te beac...err...ocean....OR a cool s oppin location (stores)...but tese tins are trivial...tey really mean notin wen you are appy wit your self/life....Te first tin I tink you MUST DO...FOR YOUR OWN SANITY is et OUT of your Moms place...tere is NO reason wy you cannot save up for a lil place of your own like you ve been tinkin about....

You always say you re not satisfied wit your life...DO SOMETIN about it...

Only YOU contain te key to your life.....Make it wat YOU want it

PS: Im REALLY sorry tat you ave to read tis post like tis...Im sure it s been a pain in te ass to read ANY of my posts for te last week...I ll et tis fixed soon...promise
Tanks for bein patient....

This is the funniest thing I have ever read on this board...but it makes total sense! Hope you get your laptop fixed soon!


Well-known member
Get your second job, save your money, and get out on your own.
It's a lot of work, but if you don't have anyone but yourself to support, you can do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
......(yea...letters on keyboard are fucked up...I dont ave aposropes OR tose two letters tat come after F and before I).........

The words that you are typing with your broken keyboard kind of remind me of a really harsh cockney accent!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The words that you are typing with your broken keyboard kind of remind me of a really harsh cockney accent!


I was tinkin te same tin!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The words that you are typing with your broken keyboard kind of remind me of a really harsh cockney accent!

Me too! The first thing that came to mind is this:




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Get your second job, save your money, and get out on your own.
It's a lot of work, but if you don't have anyone but yourself to support, you can do it.

Yeh it's not that bad really. You dont even need 2 jobs to do it, just 1 fulltime job is enough depending on the pay.

You figure... 5-800/mo for a Studio/1-Bedroom depending on location even cheaper if you get roomates.

Minimum Wage in Cali (if your making min wage in Cali, your not looking hard enough for a job)...

6.75/hour, 40 hours a week M-F. It's about $270.00/week b4 taxes. Taxes on minimum wage aren't that much, you'll take home about $250.00 a week, leaving you with about $1000.00/mo in spendable income. Got roomates? I lived in a 2bedroom apartment with 3 other people for 2.5 years when I first moved out. Rent? 300/mo. Yah you share a room, yes you dont have much privacy, BUUUUUT, your away from home, living where you wanna live.

From there I graduated to a studio apartment for 975/mo, but it was mine lol... Then I moved in with roomates again, but had my own bedroom, 630/mo. To where I live today, 875/mo 1 bedroom, huge apartment with a garage. I've been out of house, in several different cities across California since I graduated highschool and turned 18, haven't looked back since.

It's not hard to do. Find a job in the city you wanna live in or near it. Remember, you can always move once you get closer. Save up about 2k, for first and last months rent (shouldn't be hard if your living under your parents roof and dont pay rent, thats 1-3 months max of savings. Find an apartment you can pay rent/heat/water/electricity. Make sure your renting month to month and not yearly so your not locked in. Move in. If your earning minimum wage, you'll prolly want roomates. If your making more, you'll findit easier to live on your own.

Good luck.