Shoppers 'put off' by pretty staff

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I went into MAC the other day with absolutely no makeup on and was feeling a bit self consious because all the girls were looking fierce! When I went to the counter with my purchases I said to the girl (who by the way had perfect makeup of course) "I feel I should apologize for coming into MAC without any makeup on" and then sort of laughed. Her response was absolutely perfect..."We love and respect all kinds of beauty here at MAC and that includes natural beauty." I think that was the nicest thing that she could have said and I was totally at ease. People for the most part are NOT there to judge you they are there to HELP you!!


Well-known member
I will buy whatever, without thinking about the chick who's selling it to me. I will admit I get treated differently in some stores. I am NOT a size 2, I am not thin. I have too much of an ass to wear clothes from Abercrombie. I went into Abercrombie to buy an outfit and get a gift card for my little cousin who likes the store. The girls in there gave me dirty looks, like, "why is she in here, nothing here fits her" No one offered me any kind of help (but were quick to offer help to the thin girls who came in and no, they were not busy) When I finally did ask for help one of the girls went out of her way to tell me "our larges run really, REALLY small" I was like, "look, the shirt I'm holding up is a god damned medium and I am obviously NOT a medium so OBVIOUSLY it's not for me, I've never been a medium top, I'm a 38DD, take your rude ass customer service and shove it up your boney little ass." Then I walked out and just ordered my cousins stuff online.

We live in a society that treats not so attractive people (or people who just don't fit the social standard of beauty) like shit and social outcasts, while pretty people are put on pedestals and treated like royalty. I can completely understand a female feeling so self conscious about her self that she avoids interaction with females who she sees as attractive/more attractive than her. People with low self esteem often feel as if the vast majority of people they come in contact with judge them. The article really makes a lot of sense and is pretty interesting.


Well-known member
I have never been put off by pretty store assistants. (Theres this indian girl with purple nails in The Body Shop in my town... <3 )
It's nice to have a bit of eye candy when you're buying face candy..

Perhaps this is society's way of encouraging men to go and purchase our make up for us?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Makeup Emporium
I went into MAC the other day with absolutely no makeup on and was feeling a bit self consious because all the girls were looking fierce! When I went to the counter with my purchases I said to the girl (who by the way had perfect makeup of course) "I feel I should apologize for coming into MAC without any makeup on" and then sort of laughed. Her response was absolutely perfect..."We love and respect all kinds of beauty here at MAC and that includes natural beauty." I think that was the nicest thing that she could have said and I was totally at ease. People for the most part are NOT there to judge you they are there to HELP you!!

I stopped going to MAC without makeup on, simply because everytime I did, the MUA wanted to get me a freaking lesson on how to wear shadow, how to apply, etc. Which I DO appreciate, but I'm not a noob


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
They must have polled some pretty insecure women. I couldn't care less what the salesperson looks like aside from basic hygiene. All that matters is their attitude and their willingness to help, or their knowledge on the product.

This, exactly.


Well-known member
This just goes to show that there has been an increasing number of women that have no confidence in their own inner/outer beauty as well as their flaws. If they all believed that they were awesome regardless of how the other girl looks, we wouldn't have articles like this.


Well-known member
I think its interesting as well that people stereotype what is beautiful on a whole. For me the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is so important. One day I might fancy wearing no make, one day I might fancy black lipstick and another day I might fancy blue eyeshadow and soft nude lips. Each person I encounter during those days is going to have a mixed/different reaction to that look. For me they are all beautiful in different ways. But alot of people will find the black lipstick 'too much'.

Classic beauty in society is interesting. What is considered in society 'beautiful' to the general mass. Culture playing a part of this in a big way. If you looked at America nowadays at the ideal of beauty there are so many mixed opinions.

I love that make up has that power to create a reaction. Like art. It is an art to me.

Off the topic slightly I also find it so strange that some people are offended by men wearing makeup. For me make up is just a form of expression. I just love visual self expression.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady Gray
Bless the lovely AND beautiful girls at Benefit.

Why thank you

I do think that it may be more to do with the attitude of the SAs than their looks. If a SA looks intimidating or glarey then I tend to chicken out and find another SA..I'm a wuss like that!

I used to feel the pressure to wear make up when I go to a cosmetic counter because otherwise I feel like they either treat me like a noob or they ignore me altogether.

A little sidetracked but it makes me a little sad when customers buy an eyeshadow palette after you demostrate how to do it on one eye and I suggest they do the other eye themselves so I can help them right then and there (there's no point if they go home and realise they're having trouble and then don't use it) and they say that they can't do it as well so they're not going to try today. I just prefer my customers to be more hands on with the products they're planning to take home?