sick of being told i have a pretty face...


Well-known member
so i used to look like this -

but i now look like this -


i'm the one in the middle obviously!

as you can see that in the past 6 years i've pilled on the lbs and i'm pretty fat. You can see how bulky i look compared to my skinny blonde friend! i have really flabby arms at the top and my tummy and thighs are huge. quite frankly i'm fed up of being told i've got a pretty face but it's a shame about the rest of me. people don't seem to relaise that it hurts me to be talked about like that! i do think my face is pretty but my figure sucks but i like food a hell of alot so pretty much ate and ate all i wanted. stupid i know...

so anyways i've got to the stage where even though i'm not completeley disgusted by my apparence, i do look at myself and think 'what have i done?' if you look at my first pic i looked so beautiful (dodgy digital camera though!) and now i have wrecked myself. obviously my health is not at it's best due to my body carrying around excess weight but i'm still very active so wouldn't concider myself to be so fat i can't go about my daily life or anything. everyday i'm working out my arms at work (lifting 40'' tv's does that to you!) i rush around playing ball alot too, i dance for hours at a time every few nights and obviously having sex is a pretty good work out too (if in the right position obviously!!)

but the amount i eat is insane. i'll have either a big bag of chrisps or a sausage sandwich for breakfast. a footlong subway sandwich with cookie for lunch. and for dinner i'll eat a main meal - usually pasta or potatoes with chicken or something and some sweets (cakes, choccie...). oh and the worst part of all is that i only drink coke, dr pepper or really sugary tea. so is it anywonder that i'm so big when i put such crap in my mouth?

so when i woke up this morning i went downstairs and poured all the fizzy drinks down the sink and chucked out all random cakes and sweets that were in the cupboards (even my precious jar of nutella) my husband was asking if i was ok and i told him that i just don't want to eat shit anymore.

so i'm going to be eating a balanced diet - something i've been lacking for a good few years now. no more sugary fizzy drinks or tea. i need to drink more water anyways because that will make me fell full. and no more bad breakfasts!!! i'll have some ceral or fruit salad (i love fruit). for lunch i am going to make home made soups to bring into work. so i can heat them up and have them (gotta be good for me right?) and for dinner i'm lowering the amount of carbs i have with my meal and try and eat more meat and veg.

so this is going to be a long haul thing not an overnight fix. but hopefully it'll pay off and i'll start to loose some of my bulk. i'll be weighing myself once a week and will update here on how much i've lost (or if i've stayed the same) i don't feel comfortable putting my actual weight down do it'll just be how many lbs lost. also i'll do a weekly update here and how i'm doing and will make little posts throughout the week.

i'm posting this here because it's a big thing for me so any encouragement, motivation or even tips would be greatly appriciated. so wish me luck guys and dolls... lets hope i'll no longer be the 'girl with a pretty face and shame about the rest'.


Well-known member
good for you!!! keep us updated!!
I started a thread in july 2007 and i still have it going. It is so helpful to write out your milestones. It will keep you going!


good for you! you are really active, but better food choices more often will help you feel better!

I do agree that you are gorgeous (and that hair!), and curves are sexy as hell!

I'm also currently on a "eat less, move more" and "better choices more often" regime and for extra motivation, for every 1 pound that i lose, I'm putting $10 aside for makeup! (too bad my boyfriend is helping me monitor this, so I don't end up putting $50 away for each pound!)

make sure you eat enough protein at all of your meals (I add beans/lentils to EVERYTHING).

good luck! and keep us posted!

(sorry if this was too much unsolicited advice!)


Well-known member
you have already done the best step by throwing away the sodas and junk. Once you start eating healthy more often, it will become a lifestyle. take it day by day and dont look at how much more you have to go. consider it more as turning your lifestyle into a healthy one rather than just trying to lose weight. you will get there before you know it =)

you can also make a journal of what to eat during the day..plan your meals. dont eat biscuit for breakfast!!!! go for a healthier breakfast....and the more home made your meals are the better they are because you know what goes in your food. Home made food is also much more fresh and tasty.

You can do it girl! keep the motivation strong =)


Well-known member
Well, I can't eat like I did in my youth and I also gained a lot. I tried a "banana" diet from a woman's mag. You eat two bananas for breakfast, and two moderate (no foot longs, no chips) meals and a small snack. I've lost already--the husband was groping me this am and noticed I'm skinnier. I also stop eating when I am not hungry and sometimes this means I leave a LOT of food on the plate. Last night we went out and I had about 2 spoonfuls of my gumbo, a beer and a few bites of fish. I was not hungry afterwards.


Well-known member
Good for you! It's great that you're really thinking this out and being realistic.

And who doyou hang out with that says you have such a pretty face, shame about the rest of you? Those people need a slap in the face and to be ditched. Don't hang out with anyone that makes you feel like that. You know you deserve better!


Well-known member
steep hill is indeed a bitch to walk up! i usually stop half way to look in john greed's window while i catch my breath!

thanks so much for the words of encouragement guys!

lulabelle thanks for your advice! it was definately wanted! i do need to make sure that i eat more proteins because they're better than my usual carb fest for a dinner!!

i agree with Hilly that's it's good to write down my thoughts and things. mainly because when i want to vent i can come here and let it all out!

and mabelle it was a couple of other managers said it to me at a managers meeting - they also went on to say how they'd love to 'do a low self esteem girl who had just lost loads of weight'. real nice eh? i don't have low self esteem - i have relaistic self esteem! i know my good points and i know my bad points! plus one of my close friends who i have started seeing less and less makes comment about how i'd look nicer in my clothes if only i were a few dress sizes smaller... nice right?

today has gone well so far and me and hubby went to do a big shop for healthy things and so that i could make my soup for tommorow. he's being really supportive which is all i could ask for really.

i think tommorow will be the test when i'm at work. i don't want to tell the guys what i'm doing because i don't want to make a big deal out of it at work.

thanks again for all your kind words! and keep checking in on me!


Well-known member
Thank you for sharing..I think we all have been down this route. I am in a similar situation and I know what you feel. Don't let the negativity trip you up and runnn from anything or anyone negative. Hang in there and it will all be clear soon -- don't stress about it as it only makes you feel more helpless. Best of luck


Well-known member
tell me about it! annoyingly i work in a very male dominated enviroment and sometimes it can be great but other times it can suck major ass!! i just ignore it when they go all pervy and nasty - it's better than telling them to shut the f up and cause a bad atmosphere.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Hey love well done in taking the steps to a healthier lifestyle, don't deprive yourself and see it as a long term lifestyle change for the best chance of success!!! You are sooo pretty and your hubby obviously loves you!!

Can i recommend a website called the daily late site, i have lost over 20 lbs by tracking my foods on it and getting great advice and motivation from the lovely people on it.

Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Pla


Well-known member
Wow, you are very pretty!

It touched me to read your story because I've always felt that way. As a matter of fact, I got to the point where I was upset when I gained weight because I made the only part of me that was attractive less attractive. My face got squishier and I got some weird double chin which I never had before!

I'm so happy that you are deciding to change your life for yourself. I stopped drinking carbonated beverages 6 years ago and to this day I might have a sip or two every few months when there is nothing else to drink (like at a sporting even when my brother orders a coke) but I seriously regret it. It makes me bloated and gives me heartburn and the taste is different to me now- just a few sips can do it... wtf! I was seriously addicted to that stuff =/ I use to have like 6-10 a day... damn free refills.

Let us know how you're doing and what, if anything, you've modified of your plan!


Well-known member
hi guys!

well here is an update on how my first week went! firstly i have to say that yes i didn't drink any fizzy drinks - no more of my beloves coke and dr pepper - but man did i have a killer headache for what seemed like 4 days running! is this normal? hubby said it was because i wasn't having as much sugar and caffine as my body was used to. is this true? i've not had a headache for the past couple of days but at first it was bloody terible! i've been craving dr pepper so bad all week! luckily i have a dr pepper lip smackers balm which i got last year in florida. i find using this helps because at least i can smell the overly sweet smell!! when this is used up i'll be requesting a cp for a cart load!! we can't get them in the uk!

i have however lost 2lbs in the past week!
now i know that it's not much but i'm very pleased with myself about it! i'm hoping that this next week i can loose another 2lbs! although me and hubby are off work and are going on some day trips out so need to plan where we're gonna eat! no burger kings!!!!

as far as food at work goes all the guys are loving my soups! and they said that when i get back off holiday they will be joining me on the healthy eating program! which is fantastic! at first i didn't want to tell them i was dieting however it became very obvious when i turned down a footlong sub meal and various bottles of dr pepper and ice cream! but it's nice to know that i'm being encouraged at work as well as at home!

as far as exercise this week - i've done my usual dancing around for a few hours over the week (dripping with sweat by the end so gotta be a good thing right?!), worked out my arms at work with big tv deliveries again! and private time with the hubby every couple of nights!

last night i was a little naughty. my friend came over for a girls night and we had a bottle of wine and i had a couple of nachos dipped in salsa. the wine obviously more of an issue than the nachos! but i won't be drinking any alcohol until the 14th of march now so i guess it's not that bad having the occasional treat.

thanks agian for everybodys kind and encouraging words! means alot and it helps me when i'm feeling down! this is what i love about specktra - everybody is so accepting of everybody and very sweet and kind!

wish me luck on loosing more weight this week!
(this smiley is random and makes me giggle!)


Well-known member
Thanks for the updates! Yeah, I had cravings I could not describe... I couldn't imagine being addicted to drugs because I felt like this was terrible enough. I was use to going to Coke as a pick me up... for all the yummy sugar and so yeah I did have a little of a crash and I was really moody for the first week or two.

Congrats on the 2lbs! That's a very healthy weight loss!


Well-known member
Good for you! I know you can do it if you are ready to do it for yourself..Not for anyone else. I think you look beautiful thin or thicker....But feeling good about yourself is a self esteem booster and I know you will be successful!! Good Luck!! When you get down...just pick yourself back up...When you have a lousy day ...Make the next day better!! One day at a time...One step at a time!!

Go Girl!!


Well-known member
Well done on the weight loss!! I too am trying to lose weight, about 30lbs so i have a way to go. The thing is with me i will eat healthily then ruin it by having some choc or crisps or something and i start falling into this cycle of eating well then almost rewarding myself with bad stuff

I just bought a skipping rope as i hear it is an excellent all over cardio workout and that 10 mins worth is the equivelant of running a mile though i can only manage a few mins of it at the mo tho lol
But yea keep up the good work it sounds like you are doing something right!

P/s i live very close to lincoln!!


Well-known member
yay another lincolner! kind of! hee hee! i used to do that... reward myself with a big bag of chrisps because i'd been so good but this time i'm doing pretty well!

the past week has been a bit of a stuggle and only lost 1lb but concidering me and hubby were off work together and going out each day i think i resisted lots of temptation!

the only bad things i did were have a hot chocolate in starbucks (no cream and skinny milk) and we went out to a resturant 2 times last week. but each time i only had a main course rather than my usual starter, main and dessert! so that was a big plus for me! i've still not had any fizzy drinks whihc is great. no more headaches too so that made it easier! i'm finding my skin looks loads better too this week. when i went in for my facial my thearapist said that my skin looked 10x better than last time! part due to my monthy facial and part due to change of diet! so yay to that!

i'm going out with a friend on saturday night and i'm not going to drink much. 2 glasses of wine tops... and then i'll be on bottled water.

i'm pleased i've stuck with my diet plan for a few weeks now. usually i'd have quit after a week! i have to say though i'm getting bored with home made soups for lunch when at work. does anybody have any ideas on what is healthy and yummy to take to work for lunch?

thanks for everybodies support! it means alot!


hi , its really gud to hear that ure happy with wht ure doing , congrats for the weight loss ,
and last but not the least , Tish ure so gud with the words, 4 sum reason i dig ur comments , they,re cool and i,m impressed ...