skinfinish/irridescent powder


Well-known member
okay.. so.. i know like.. jack all about makeup haha.. so i need to ask you guys some questions.. i ordered three skinfinishes and an irridescent powder.. and the 187 brush.. now... i dont know WHAT possesed me to order them but i did...and i dont know what they are and what to do with them really.. blush? allover? im not sure.. im clueless.. i dont even know if skinfinishes and irridescent powders are the same thing or not but i feel like a fool... lol.. anyways.. ANY info you got would be so helpful to me.. hopefully ill assess the product before i spend next time lol...


New member
they give pretty different effects, imho. skinfinishes seem to be milled finer, so there's basically no glitter, just a pearly sheen. the irridescent powders have a little bit of glitter in them, and doesn't give off the sheen that the skinfinishes do. i prefer the skinfinishes, they're more versitile, but the irridescent powders are good for nights out.

hope that helps!

btw what colors did you get?


Well-known member
coupe de chic irridescent powder and skinfinishes shimpagne ( i totally blacked out, i think thats what its called haha) , new vegas (added it to order) and pink porcelain.. thank you for your help! i just wasnt quite sure what i was going to do with them when the arrive lol! i appreciate it!


Well-known member
when you apply the iridescent powder with a blush bush it looks really shimmery, with the 187brush youcan polish the shimmer, and you end up with a glowy look


Well-known member
sanne thank you so much! im glad you told me that! im so excited for them now! theyre going to be fun to play around with..


Well-known member
highlight the cheeks and the temples and you will look radiant and beautiful.

i would apply the skinfinish on top of the irridenscent powder. the IP tends to be a little more sparkly and glittery compared to the skinfinishes (which are frosty, but very finely milled, giving you that glowy look)