small haul, CCO style


Well-known member
The noob is getting better at this. :) Not rushing around willy nilly lusting after every darn thing in the store. lol. So only a small haul. (also, I'm going on a shopping diet to save some $ for when my cousin & I go to Chicago in the fall...has anybody here been to the Pro store there? I've never been to a Pro, & hoping to hit theirs while there) another jar of Your Ladyship pigment, a CP for a fellow lj'er; & got myself Cabana nail polish for my toeses, Virtuous Violet tinted lip conditioner (which I noticed when I got home is nearly a dead ringer for Loreal HIPJelly Balm in wonder I was drawn to it. hehe), and a cute teeny red zip case which probably won't even be used for makeup, since it's the perfect size for stitch markers and other knitting notions.