Smokey Blue/Green would you believe?


Well-known member
You look gorgeous! I agree that your blending skills are amazing and I love that lip color.


Well-known member
Thanks guys! I basically learned all my blending skills from heaps of practice and a ton of patience. I dont know about the rest of you, but I used to sit on a sunday whilst the omnibus of Sunset Beach was on and copy their eyeshadow!!!! lol. I fricking loved sunset beach, can't believe they axed it.

My trick is that I use the 231 to blend out the pencil I use to get the shape and then the only brush I use after that is a 242. I don't use any of the blender brushes i.e. 222, 217, 224, 239 etc. I find that using the big blender brushes to blend with are really inaccurate and actually give you less control. All you really need for blending is a medium sized (non fluffly) brush and light strokes.

I hope that helps someone and once again, thanks guys for the wonderful comments.


Well-known member
wowza~! love your blending on your eyes and your fotd is really flawless... thanks for the tips too!

Almost black.

Well-known member
Love this look! Looks so simple but still stunning and it looks great on you! Good work!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by siemenss
thanks for your help, you are very talented! I love your work

Thanks, its really nice of you to say (I never know how to accept compliments! lol)

I'm also just laughing because I totally forgot I did this look in my jammies!!! (I don't know if that translates in the states, but my jammies are my PJ's) he he he.