So, I did a good deed...


Well-known member
I just wanted to share my excitement with everyone!!! I have a friend at work who loves MAC, esp. the pigments but doesn't have much money, who does right now? Anways, I went to the art store, bought some empty jars and made her 32 "mini pigments" as a little present. She was so excited that she almost cried today when I gave it to her. I even labeled each with a pink dot sticker and the pigment name. She said it was the best gift she has ever gotten. I love how MAC makes us feel. I hope you all have gotten a great MAC gift at some point. Hope you have a great day!!!!


Well-known member
That was so sweet of you...I love to bless people with things cause I know even bigger blessings are headed my way!


Well-known member
That is sooo sweet, I also like to do that when I get new piggies b/c there is no way I could ever use them up!
I bet she was so excited!!


Well-known member
You're so cute! I love that there are such thoughtful people in this world, to help out a friend. Even if she didn't need the pigments, it's always nice to get something you want!
Thanks for being so awesome!


Well-known member
That's so thoughtful of you!
I love giving things to people... knowing I've made them happy makes me happier than if I was receiving something.


Well-known member
that is so sweet of you!! i give my roommates samples of my mac pigments and she loves them. i love it when i do something nice for someone and it makes their day.


Active member
That was so sweet of you! What a great friend
Sharing MAC really makes you feel happy, like you're passing on some happiness!


Well-known member
That's so sweet of you to do! I did the same for my younger cousin when she just started getting into MAC. She loved them & now is a flow blown MAC addict! Now i have someone to split jars with LOL


Well-known member
yes i love what you did and how mac makes us feel. its so sweet and not even xmas. what was the occasion? or was it spontaneous