So I dont usually do things like this but...


Well-known member
So I had my 6 week check up today at my obgyn to make sure everything was getting back to normal after hayden was born. Well he did a breast exam and I have a rather large lump. So I had an ultrasound. Its not a cyst... I have an apointment next thus to have mamagram. Im 23 years old, im not supposed to have cancer. I don't know what to do now.. im honestly scared out of my mind, I just had my baby I should be happy, bot now all I can think is what if it is cancer, what if its spread, what if I cant watch my son grow up. Its not supposed to be like this. I have a strong family history of cancer, but you just never think it will happen to you I guess. Im sorry I just needed to get this off my chest...


Well-known member
Im sure that everything is going to be OK! Just be positive, and know that if there is an issue you are finding out early which means you have GREAT odds of dealing and being healthy. I wish you the best of luck during this trying situation and i will keep you in my prayers.


Well-known member
Don't stress yourself prematurely... it could be ANYTHING... don't automatically jump to the worst thing and then stress over it for the next week. All stress will do is potentially cause a whole lot of other issues. You are young, you are strong. It's gonna be ok. If I could rub your back and give you a hug, I would. But, this "virtual" one is gonna have to do.

I don't know what your belief system is, etc., so I hope you are not offended by me saying that I will be praying for you.




Well-known member

I found my first lump when I was I guess 19/20 and of course you always worry about the worst case scenario but you have everything in your favour really.

This year I found another lump, when to the doctors and she found another one of a similar size as well as that plus a teeny one. I was scared, again and naturally so. I've had all of these checked out and all are fine. Mine aren't cysts either they're just 'fatty' lumps, sorry I forget the correct term. Basically for some reason I'm prone to them and will in all liklihood will continue to find more...

The main thing is you found it, whatever it is and you're getting it checked out.I 'm really gladed you posted it for 2 reasons 1 - It's good to get the worry out as it's easy to bottle it up and 2 - Young women need to be aware that at any age you can find lumps in your breasts so you should keep a check on yourself and any changes and not be afraid to go straight to the docs if you think anything is unusual.

x x x


Well-known member
Hopefully everything will be fine
. I know a girl who found a lump at 22 y/o, but it was benign and she's still healthy. Hopefully you'll be the same.


Well-known member
I had a fibrous lump removed from my breast when I was 21 and it wasn't cancerous. It was caused from scar tissue from a seat belt that cut into me during a car accident. I also wonder if you are breastfeeding? One of the first things I thought of when I read your post was that lots of moms get infections in the milk glands. They can be huge, and not at all cyst like. They are hard lumps that would only show up as a lump on a scan. I am sure everything will be ok, and I am sending good thoughts your way

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I also wonder if you are breastfeeding? One of the first things I thought of when I read your post was that lots of moms get infections in the milk glands.

Yep...mastitis or a clogged duct. Both hurt though. You didn't mention that they hurt.

I have never had to have a biopsy, but I have been told by my OBGYN that my breasts have quite a few "knobs" in them. He claims it's from too much caffiene.

I wouldn't worry. I know easier said than done, but try not to!! Hugs to you!


Well-known member
The way I always see things, is that there is no way you can know until you get the test done and worrying isn't going to speed up the process so you may as well forget about it and relax while you wait, instead of worrying yourself insane!

I know it's easier said that done, but it might help.

I am sure it's nothing serious and if it is, you may have caught it early which would be great! Let us know how it goes next week.


Well-known member
I know you are mostly concerned about this for two reasons...#1 because you have a strong family history of cancer, and #2 you just had a baby. I'm sure you will be fine and it's probably benign. I know breast cancer can happen at any age, but really, the younger you are the less chances of it being cancer. I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like you could have fibrous lumps in your breast. My mom has them and the docs did all kinds of scans and biopsies but it came back negative for cancer. Don't worry, everything will be ok.

I'll be thinking about you and please let us know what the results are.

By the way, how is little Hayden doing?


Well-known member
Thanks for all the suppot I appreciate it.

I am not breast feeding though and it is not a clogged duct or anything like that. They did an ultrasound the same day and the ultrasound tec just looked really grim. Its not a cyst either because it was a solid maass. I have an appt thursday with the hosp to have a mamogram. SI ill know more after then, Im hopeits just a non malignant tumor or something else thats not as bad...


Well-known member
Sending prayer and good wishes your way. I know it's far easier said than done but try not to worry until you know what to worry about. Try to focus on Hayden right now if you can and keep your chin up. Please keep us posted.

Thinking of you and so many here...