So...prom kinda sucked

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Prom is so overrated. My hair looked like shiz and the lady I went do did not know how to apply make up. Next year, I am doing my hair and my make up myself. My date was awesome, he's one of my good guy friends though. He was polite, but he doesn't dance dirty or party. So I barely danced at all and we didn't go out at all. AND i didn't even get a goodnight kiss.

Until I can download pictures in the gallery, y'all can check out my pictures on myspace.


Well-known member
Aww, if that's the prom pic on the main page you ladies all look lovely! And you look like you were having fun anyway
Sorry it wasn't all you hoped it would be.


Well-known member
Prom IS overrated. Just wait a few years and you will realize even more how insignificant and overrated it is.


Well-known member
Aw my prom didnt go as well either, I thought the best part of prom was finding that dress and fixing my hair but that didnt go well. half my family was drunk in the afternoon, pictures sucked, hair didnt go as well as I wanted couldnt find that ONE PERFECT dress but found one that was ok. my make up was so so since I didnt have MAC make up at the time haha. The best part of it was spending the night at the hotel with my bf lol. The whole time during prom while I was dancing I was just getting sweaty, my feet was hurting and my hair was getting messed up, my stomach hurt cause the food was kinda weird. I agree it is overrated.


Well-known member
my date was my sort of boyfriend at the time and he ended up f'ing some girl a week before - so i had to ask an older friend of mine (2 years older, i felt so bad.. but he wanted me so hed do whatever i told him to ha) to come with me - i looked bangin and my ex date kept trying to talk to me haha - asshole that he is. anyway my after prom got all f'd up and some jerkoff pretty much robbed the shit outta my senior class (we bought tix for a club which we werent allowed to go to.. cool i guess) that was fun

anyways - u look fabulous!!!i love the dress<33 prom wont matter in a few years i promise
i totally forgot about it until i reminisced just now lol


Well-known member
i never went to prom lol i was the only girl in the year not to go and im still so glad loads of people told me that i would regret it erm no. 1st reason i didnt wanna go was mainly all bcos my ex bf was there with his 'gf' and it would of totally killed me to see that. 2nd was cos people were spending like £200 plus on just a dress and i thought it was such a waste of money. my friends jst had her prom and it cost her over £1000 (like $2000) and im like woah i could think of loads of better stuff to buy

but u did look v nice
just looked aww