So...what do you use Polished Ivory pigment for anyway?


Well-known member
I convinced myself I needed this when I made my last MAC Pro order. It came in and there it sits all pretty lined up with my other pigments....untouched. I have no idea what I need this for. I tend to prefer the shimmery/frosty colors for eyes. I am fair so I thought I could maybe use it as an undereye concealer. That is the one time I tried it and it looked horrible. Any suggestions would be welcome...for some reason I don't want to let this one go.


Well-known member
A base. Well for me anyway. Otherwise it makes a nice toner for brighter eyeshadows and a great neutral with some shimmery browns. It blends alright, just use a good brush


Well-known member
I use it the same way people use say, Gesso. I did a FOTD with Polished Ivory blended into purples. I tried it on last night with Mulch and Brown Down.