something bad happpened!


Well-known member
last night i got spiked.. not sure what it was, probably ecstacy
ive felt like shit all day, feeling cold, paranoid, shocked i dont know what to do
all my friends have just said i need to relax and drink plenty of water but its not rlly helping i just feel really depressed and i know its a come down but i cant stop shaking or anything
it makes me not ever want to go out clubbing again too, just thinking how easy it can happen makes me sick

i dont know what to do at all, this is the second time this has happened in the last few months and im really scared it will happen again, im always careful with my drinks and i stay with all my friends but last night i cant remember a thing, i got told i was dancing with some boy (who i actually know) and 2 mins later i passed out and got kicked out of the club and i cant remember getting home or anything

has this happened to anybidy else?


Well-known member
I am so sorry this happened to you!!!! Were you with friends? Did you go to the doc to get checked out?

But Yes, This happened to me when I was a junior in College. I was at a frat party just having a few drinks and talking with my new bf at the time. After like only 4 beers, I dont remember anything. Fast foward to the next morning, I wake up on a frat house couch (GROSS) and had red marks all over me. Apparently, I had flea bitesand a reaction to something. Word was that someone was putting roofies in drinks for shits and giggles. It was wierd.


Well-known member
Have you reported the incident to the police?

Why did they kick you out of the club and did your friends leave with you?!

Sorry this has happened ..again! I really think you need to tell the police hon cos it's no joke and things could have been a lot worse. I'd go to A&E ( I know it may be a long wait but this your health we're talking about) and get checked out.


Well-known member
thank god this has never happened to me. You sound like a smart person, and i believe you are careful with your drinks, but its sickening why people spike other woman's drinks. I suggest you go to a hospital, because you don't sound well, if the shaking doesn't stop you should go. I hope you feel better, and honestly i dont know what else to say, because if your careful with your drinks and aware of whats going on, then i don't understand how this happened, some people are just plain sick.


Well-known member
i got kicked out because apparently i passed out on the floor so they took me outside.. then my friend got me a taxi home and put me in my house

if i still feel bad tomorrow i will go to A&E i think its just a bad come down and i have no idea who did it! its just horrible


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i got kicked out because apparently i passed out on the floor so they took me outside.. then my friend got me a taxi home and put me in my house

if i still feel bad tomorrow i will go to A&E i think its just a bad come down and i have no idea who did it! its just horrible

I hate the way bouncers do that over here!!! Call an ambulance?? Nah ..let's just kick her out onto the street in sub-zero temperatures instead!

Thank God your friend was there!

Please DO go to A&E tomorrow if you're still feeling shit!

I still think you should report it to the police too. You never know, there may have been other girls who had their drinks spiked last night who have reported it.

So you were with your drinks all night last night? Nobody out of your immediate circle bought you a drink?


Well-known member
MDMA takes about 72 hours to clear your system...You can speed that up to about 48 hrs by alternating water and cranberry juice.....But do not drink an abundance of water...just more than you normally do. HTH ( answers from my sister the DR.) I am a dummy when it comes to these things

I hope you feel better...I think this is why I don't go to clubs without my dh ...


Well-known member
F*ck, Becky, I am so sorry this happened to you. Please take care and let us know how you are doing. I hope you are feeling back to yourself soon. Definitely see a doc and make sure you are OK.

The depraved people that do this type of thing - I just don't get it.

*big hugs*

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
ITA that you should report it. Did this happen both times at the same club or with the same people? It seems like a weird coincidence...

I hope you take care of yourself and feel better.


Well-known member
I am so sorry
I have missed you here and now I must hear that.

Go to a doctor and to the police!


Well-known member
You sould definitely get checked out tomorrow if you still feel the same. I hope you feel better soon

When I go out I usually get a bottle and keep a finger over the top. A policeman told me a few years ago it's the best thing to do to be sure you can't get it spiked.


Well-known member
Aww am so sorry to hear this
Its never happened to me "touch wood" but its happened to a few of my friends and my bf. They all had the same symptoms your having
. My friend went to hospital and she found out it was ecstacy. You should definently go, Hope you feel better soon xx


Well-known member
this is sickening!!! im so sorry this happened to you... thanks god it has neever happened to me but it has to a close friend... i am a college freshman this year and the first party we went to was a frat party... (i live on campus) and since i didnt really no anyone to well i decided not to drink! but i friend of mine did... its what they like to call "jungle juice" they get a big cooler and throw fruit slices in it a whole bunch of shit and then they will it up with cheap vodka and rum its nuts! After about maybe 2 cups she started acting so weird... and a few cups later she passed out and started foaming out the mouth... apparently they thought it would be cool to throw some coke in the cooler!! that night was crazyy thanks god i decided to be a good girl!! its so sad people who do this thats why us ladies really have to be careful about where wo go and with who we hang out with.... you really should be seen by someone if anything for the support!


Well-known member
Speaking as a former frequent E user, I doubt it was E, I don't think you would have passed out if so. You would have had a great time at the club after taking it, lol. Also it tastes really bad so you probably would have tasted it in a drink, if there was enough of it there to have an effect on you. My final reason to doubt this is why would someone waste E by spiking a drink with it? It may have been something else but not E. Possibly meth? Because that would be in someone's interest to get you addicted to so you would start buying from them.


Well-known member
^^^ True...Normally Ecstasy keeps you awake...not puts you to sleep...But it will cause you to faint if taken in high doses....I am told ....Haven't tried it I promise


Well-known member
My dad.. (hes a cop) says that you need to report this ASAP.... you never know if someone else's drink was spiked, adn they were raped/murdered/etc... that stuff doesnt normally hit the news until later--> Im so sorry this happened to you... but by you reporting it, it might be able to help if this is a string of instances..

I hope you feel better girl! My dad also seconds all this advice--> get to a hospital and get checked out.. you never know what could have happened to you while you were passed out (shudder)..

Praying for you and hugs and kisses!!!!


Well-known member
DUDE .... always keep your drink in your hand! and in front of you. You're way too pretty to be slippin like that for real!


Well-known member
hey sweety hope you're okay
that sucks so much, hope you're feeling alright today (sunday!). as your friends said, drink loads of water. keep eating lots too, not too much of course, but something to keep you going. i've seen how bad it can be!!

are you 100% sure it was your drink spiked? please don't take that as a way of me doubting what you said/feel!!

p.s my guess is that it was rohypnol not ecstacy


Well-known member
im feeling a little better right now and im pretty sure i got spiked.. iv tried drugs before and i know how it feels, but ive just been on a huge come down all day
im gonna get some sleep now and hopefully i'll be fine tomorrow
thnks for all your advice/concerns guys xx