Spinoff of BNIB pigments - fluidlines?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Different pigments reach different levels in the jars, as they're measured by weight and not volume, I believe.

I noticed recently as I was arranging my fluidlines that not all are equal.
Which really bums me out, unless this is some sort of illusion? I thought maybe it was just because Haunting and Delphic were newer fluidlines, but then I compared them to the other two I have, and no such luck.

I want to doubt that weight has anything to do with this. ???

Sorry if this has been brought up before, I searched a little bit but didn't see anything. I supposed I could have done a more thourough search.


Well-known member
I have NO idea about fluidlines, because I only wear blacktrack, but maybe others here do?


Well-known member
No need to worry. Every Fluidline has the same amount of product in them. They just look uneven because some of the little wells go down deeper then others & some wells are wider then others. HTH!


Well-known member
Yeah, I agree with HappyHannah cos I've noticed the same thing. The ones that are filled to the top have shallower wells than the ones which don't look as full.