Stale Lipstick?


Active member
I found a few of the lipsticks that I've had for a while have a funny smell and taste to them. This happened with other brands over the years and I attrributed this to the l/s being old. Wondering what others do about lipsticks that seem to lose their freshness, especially when you have a large collection of l/s that won't be finished quickly? Hope I made sense.:confused:


Well-known member
Lipsticks have a limited shelf life, so they can certainly go bad after a while. Once the preservatives and anti-fungal agents begin to break down, the lipstick will develop a stale or mildewy scent, aquire an organic/metallic taste and begin to discolour or develop a 'skin'.

Best thing is to bin it. Once it begins to break down, scraping away the gross parts to reveal 'fresh' lipstick is only going to delay the inevitable and possibly give you a very nasty stomach ache when you ingest that funk off your lips.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Scorpdva
I found a few of the lipsticks that I've had for a while have a funny smell and taste to them. This happened with other brands over the years and I attrributed this to the l/s being old. Wondering what others do about lipsticks that seem to lose their freshness, especially when you have a large collection of l/s that won't be finished quickly? Hope I made sense.:confused:

Toss them...


Well-known member
Tell me I wasn't the only one who wondered if Stale was an upcoming shade. <misses old urban decay>


Well-known member
Originally Posted by docmaria
Tell me I wasn't the only one who wondered if Stale was an upcoming shade. <misses old urban decay>

Nope! I thought exactly the same thing!!

Just an added note.... MAC lipsticks/glasses/lusters/gellees have vanilla oil to scent them. When they lose that nice smell, time to recycle them...