Strobe Cream Substitute?


Active member
I packed my kit up today for a shoot and forgot my strobe cream.
I'm doing a very bubble gummy pink and cheerleader-ey look and i need it so bad for this! Anything I can use instead? Lip gloss? Vaseline? I have shimmer/glow products but I still need something to shine the cheek up.


Well-known member
Do you have Fairylight(I think this is pink reflective?) pigment or Pink Opal? (Vanilla might also do) Add this to your regular moisturizer and it will get it pretty close. Good Luck!


Well-known member
I'd recommend Revlon Skinlights lotion. It provides more of a noticeable effect on me, i find, than Strobe Creamm.


Well-known member
agreed, revlon skinlights lotion gives you a similar shimeer, although its a bit more pigmented, in my opinion. still very pretty, and much cheaper than strobe cream. also, the new moisturegleam released with bait is gorgeous on skin, but its more of a shimmery golden look, than a pearly pink, so that probably won't help you.


Well-known member
Those are all great tips, ladies! You could also try mixing some of the irridescent loose powder with Studio Moisture Fix. It gives an amazing glow.


Well-known member
A luminous opal pigment or a basic taupe luminser (like the bulk ones from Kryolan) mashed into Vaseline or rose balm = a MAs best friend.