Studio Fix Fluid?


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Originally Posted by Billie28

I´m so exited, this is my first post

I don´t know which color should I choose in Studio Fix Fluid?
I have NW20 in Select Foundation, I tried NW 20 at Studio Fix Fluid and it was too orange

Please help me

Thank You

When I bought my first fluid the SA told me it tends to be a shade darker than the powders and I think that was BS. I wear an NC35 in Powder and an NC25 in Fluid. I'd go to the counter and test them to be sure. The difference in color was much more than I had expected.


Well-known member
Studio Fix Fluid is somewhat darker than than the other foundations. Try going one shade up from what you normally wear. But I suggest testing the shades side by side in to get the best match.


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There's no surefire way to tell, the best would be if you went to a counter, tested it, came out in natural daylight and checked to see if it matched. It would probably be the safest bet.


Well-known member
The best bet is to go to a counter and get tested. Foundation colours can differ so much. Remember to swatch the colour along your jawline (not your hand) and test in natural daylight! The lighting by MU counter can be deceptive. HTH!


Well-known member
Just wondering what you (or anyone else here) thought of Select foundation? I'm considering going the OTHER way round, from Studio Fix to Select, as my skin's not as uber-oily as it was when I was younger, and I like the idea of a lighter finish....

Nb, I'm NW20 in Select, NW25 in Studio fix, and (can't remember which other one it was I tried but I didn't like it) NW15 in some of MAC's other foundations.

oh, and PS! I went into MAC yesterday and told them I was flirting with the idea of buying a different foundation when my current one runs out and they gave me a HUGE! and I mean HUGE!!! free sample in the cutest little MAC jar, I couldn't believe how generous it was, it will probably do me about a fortnight...... if this is standard practice at MAC counters then maybe you should see if they'll give you a sample of the foundation you're considering to try out, too.