Studio fix rubbing off…


Hi Ladies,

I use studio fix powder followed up with MSF powder and it rubs off on everything. What am I doing wrong??? I have tried P+P face, but it causes my skin to flake. I wait at least 10min after applying moisturizer before apply the studio fix.

Any suggestions?


Studio fix rubs off...

Hi Ladies,

I use studio fix powder followed up with MSF powder and it rubs off on everything. What am I doing wrong??? I have tried P+P face, but it causes my skin to flake. I wait at least 10min after applying moisturizer before apply the studio fix.

Any suggestions?


Re: Studio fix rubs off...

I use Monistat Chafing Relief Power-Gel as a foundation primer. Then I put on Studio Fix Power Plus Foundation in C7. I don't put anything on over it. I've been doing this for years with no problems. I thought MSF powder was supposed to be used over liquid foundation or alone. I've also heard that P+P is crap. I also have incredibly dripping oily skin so I stopped wearing moisturizer under my makeup. It makes such a huge difference. Hope this helps.


Well-known member
Re: Studio fix rubs off...

Try a few sprays of Fix+? I use Studio Fix powder as well as MSF natural - Fix+ really helps set everything together.


Active member
Studio Fix, like most foundations, just does that. Fix powder is a bit bad in that sense (headbutted my exam paper and came away with a flesh coloured mark), but thats the way it is. Try some other primers (I use a Rimmel one, but you may not be able to find it), but Studio Fix just isn't a good one at staying on.


Well-known member
You can buy the Fix+ to have your makeup last for hours and you can also buy the Rimmel Fix and Perfect Foundation Primer for your Studio Fix Fluid.


Well-known member
Ben Nye (known for theatrical makeup) has a spray you use on top of your foundation to keep it from rubbing off. If you look online you'll be able to find a retailer. It's under $10.00US


Well-known member
Three things come to my mind based on the facts you posted:

1. What is your skin type? It sounds like Studio Fix is drying you out too much (based on P+P comment). If your skin is too dry powder products won't stay put as well. You could use Fix+ to help it adhere better, but that's only if you aren't too dry. If you are too dry, you might want another foundation.

2. Studio Fix is a powder foundation, so putting MSF natural over it is redundant, as the Studio Fix gives you foundation and powder in one step. You are probably loosing product off of your face because there is too much of it.

3. If your skin flaked under P+P, perhaps you need to change your skincare routine. Do you exfoliate and moisturize regularly?

Hope that helps.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Also if you have it on for a long time, your skin has been producing and build up more oil since you applied it, so it gets more creamy as the day goes on from the oil and when it touches something it's more likely to transfer than if you had just applied it.


Thanks for your replies!

I have now switched to Studio Fix Fluid, which seems to transfer less. Also I apply it using a blush brush and the finish is very natural.

I am in the process of finding a new skincare routine to maintain my very oily skin. With the exception of my cheekbone area, my skin is very oily.

I am trying Biore’s blackhead treatment (night) and ice wash (morning).

I have never really use toner, but since I am starting to experience skin issues I am considering it.

I currently use Dove moisturizer… its very light and absorbs quickly. Unfortunately it does nothing for the oil control.

Any suggestions???